中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisContentsChapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.1.1 Learner autonomy: the need of the society1.1.2 The requirements of the new curriculum criterion1.1.3 The disadvantages of traditional teacher-centered English teaching in China1.2 Reasons for learner autonomy1.2.1 Practical reasons1.2.2 Learner's individual differences1.2.3 Educational aims1.2.4 Motivation1.2.5 Learning how to learn1.3 Purpose of this study1.4 Framework of this thesisChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 Definition of learner autonomy2.2 Characteristics of learner autonomy2.3 Theoretical basis for learner autonomy2.3.1 Constructivist approaches to language learning2.3.2 Humanist approaches to language learning2.3.3 Cognitive learning theory2.3.4 Theory of Zone of Proximal Development2.4 The misunderstandings about learner autonomy2.4.1 Regarding learner autonomy as learning on one' own2.4.2 Regarding learner autonomy as learning without teachers' help2.4.3 Equating learner autonomy with isolated learning2.5 Learning journals2.5.1 Definition of learning journals2.5.2 Contents of learning journals2.5.3 Functions of learning journals2.5.4 Theoretical basis for developing learner autonomy by making students keep a learning journal2.6 Ways of promoting learner autonomy2.6.1 Managing your learning2.6.2 Needs analysis2.6.3 Assessing your progress2.6.4 Self-reports2.6.5. Diaries2.6.6. Changing beliefs and attitudes by talking to others2.7 Research questions and hypothesesChapter Ⅲ An Experimental Study3.1 Subjects3.2 Instruments3.3 Procedures3.3.1 A survey of learner autonomy before the use of learning journals3.3.2 Data analysis and its results3.3.3 The practice of developing the learner autonomy by means of learning journalsChapter Ⅳ Results and Discussion4.1 Major findings4.1.1 Findings from the second survey4.1.2 Findings from students learning journals4.1.3 Findings from Comparing Scores4.2 DiscussionChapter Ⅴ Conclusion5.1 Implications of the study5.2 Limitations of the study5.3 Suggestions for furtherReferencesAppendix Ⅰ 英语自主学习能力调查问卷Appendix Ⅱ 初中学生英语自主学习自我监控表Appendix Ⅲ 学习者合约Acknowledgements
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标签:自主学习论文; 学习日志论文; 初中学生论文;