中文摘要ABSTRACTList of abbreviations1 Introduction1.1 Statement of the problem1.2 What seems to be the problem with studying TCM in English?1.3 Research Objectives1.4 The significance of the study1.5 Limitations2 Review of the literature3 Design of the study3.1 Assembling all the available English language textbooks and reliable books on thesubject of TCM,written by foreign experts with qualified degrees and backgrounds in TCM3.2 Assembling all the available English language textbooks and reliable books on thesubject of TCM written by Chinese experts with qualified degrees and backgrounds in TCM3.3 Gathering all the available,reliable English language books on the subject ofChinese History written by foreign and Chinese experts3.4 Gathering all the available,reliable English language books on the subject ofChinese culture written by foreign and Chinese experts3.5 Collecting all the available,reliable English language books on the topic of "Keyconcepts in Chinese philosophy" written by foreign and Chinese experts3.6 Compiling all the available,reliable English language books written by foreignand Chinese experts on the topic of Herbs in TCM3.7 Compiling all the available,reliable English language books on the topic ofacupuncture written by foreign and Chinese experts3.8 Amassing all the available, reliable English language books on the issue of Health Preservation, elevation and the combating of ailments by means of TCM3.9 Amassing all the available, reliable English language books written by foreign and Chinese experts on the topic of complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)3.10 Amassing all the available, reliable English language Atlases on herbs used in TCM3.11 Accumulating all the available, reliable English language Atlases on Acupuncture.3.12 Gathering all the available, reliable English language books on writing and editing3.13 Hoarding all the available English language, Regular and Scientific dictionaries and thesauruses3.14 Gathering all the available English and Chinese-English (Bilingual) Medical Terminology dictionaries4 FindingsIntroduction4.1 Origins of medicine and the formation of a theoretical system of TraditionalChinese Medicine (TCM)4.2 The theories of Yin-Yang and Wu Xing4.3 Materia Medica4.4 Acupuncture4.5 Other aspects of TCM in a nutshell5 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations For Future ResearchReferencesAcknowledgement致谢Curriculum VitaeAppendix
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标签:中医学论文; 易用性论文;