Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Relevance Theory and Its Application1.1 Relevance and Relevance Principles1.2 Cognitive Environment and Mutual Manifestness1.3 Ostensive-Inferential Communication Model1.4 Brief Literature View of RT's ApplicationChapter 2 T-S Interaction in EFL Class2.1 Brief Introduction of T-S Interaction in EFL Class2.1.1 Definition of Interaction2.1.2 Characteristics of T-S Interaction in EFL Class2.1.3 The Essence and Important Role of T-S Interaction in EFL Class2.2 Traditional Theories about T-S Interaction in EFL Class2.2.1 Psycholinguistic Interactionist Theories2.2.2 Social Interactionist Theories2.3 The Possibility and Necessity of RT's Application to T-S Interaction in EFL Class2.3.1 Possibility2.3.2 NecessityChapter 3 RT Guided T-S Interaction Mode in EFL Class3.1 Interaction Aims:Development of Students' Communicative and Cognitive Competences3.2 Interaction Process:Operation of "Ostensive—Inferential" Mode3.2.1 Ostension on the Part of the Teacher3.2.2 Inference on the Part of the Student3.3 Interaction Approach:Orientated on "Optimal Relevance"3.4 Interaction Means or Patterns:On the Basis of Enlarging Cognitive Context and T-S Mutual Manifestness3.5 Interaction Assessment:Focus on the Formation of Students' Communication and Cognition CompetencesChapter 4 Application and Evaluation of RT Guided T-S Interaction Mode in EFL Class4.1 Experiment4.1.1 Hypothesis4.1.2 Subjects4.1.3 Instrument4.1.4 Research Design4.1.5 Procedure4.2 Data Collection and Analysis4.2.1 Data Collection4.2.2 Results and Analysis4.3 SummaryChapter 5 Suggestions for the Current Reform of T-S Interaction in TEFL in Terms of RT5.1 The Prominence of Equal Position of Teacher and Student5.2 The Extension of Students' Cognitive Context and T-S Mutual Manifestness5.2.1 The Expansion of Language Culture Input5.2.2 The Attention to Implicit Information and Emotion in EFL Class5.3 The Pursuit of "Optimal Relevance" in T-S Interaction in EFL Class5.3.1 The Improvement of Teachers' Questioning Skill5.3.2 The Diversification of Interaction FormsConclusionBibliographyAppendixⅠ Questionnaire for the surveyAppendixⅡ Questionnaire for the surveyAppendixⅢ Questionnaire for the survey攻读硕士学位期间发表论文情况Acknowledgements
标签:关联理论论文; 师生交互论文; 英语教学论文;