Acknowledgements内容摘要AbstractChapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 The purpose of the study1.2 The significance of the present study1.3 Organization of this thesisChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 Previous researches on interpersonal meaning2.1.1 The notion of interpersonal meaning2.1.2 Relevant researches on interpersonal meaning at home and abroad2.2 Previous researches on political speeches2.2.1 Definition of political speech2.2.2 Features of political speech2.2.3 Relevant researches on political speech at home and abroad2.3 SummaryChapter Ⅲ Theoretical Foundation3.1 Halliday's Interpersonal Model3.1.1 Mood system3.1.2 Modality system3.1.3 Person system3.2 Martin's Appraisal Theory3.2.1 Attitude3.2.2 Engagement3.2.3 Graduation3.3 SummaryChapter Four Analysis of Obama's Political Speeches4.1 Data Collection and Research Methods4.2 The Realization of Interpersonal Meaning in Mood4.2.1 Declaratives4.2.2 Imperatives4.2.3 Interrogatives4.2.4 Summary4.3 The Realization of Interpersonal Meaning in Modality4.3.1 Modal auxiliary4.3.2 Modal adjuncts4.3.3 Summary4.4 The Realization of Interpersonal Meaning in Person System4.4.1 First Person Pronouns4.4.1.1 The first person pronoun I4.4.1.2 The first person pronoun We4.4.2 Second Person Pronouns4.4.3 Third Person Pronouns4.4.4 Summary4.5 The Realization of Interpersonal Meaning in Appraisal Theory4.5.1 Attitude4.5.1.1 Attitude as affect4.5.1.2 Attitude as judgment4.5.1.3 Attitude as appreciation4.5.2 Engagement4.5.2.1 Dialogic contraction4.5.2.2 Dialogic expansion4.5.3 Graduation4.5.3.1 Focus4.5.3.2 Force4.5.4 SummaryChapter Ⅴ ConclusionBibliographyAppendix
标签:人际意义论文; 政治演说论文; 评价理论论文; 人际模型论文;