作者(2019)在《我国科学家成功培育世界首只同性别双亲来源小鼠》一文中研究指出:近日,北京中科院动物研究所的胡宝洋、周琪和李伟的研究团队在Cell Stem Cell杂志(IF=23.29)在线发表了题为"Generation of Bimaternal and Bipaternal Mice from Hypomethylated Haploid ESCs with Imprinting Region Deletions"的研究论文。该论文指出可通过对单倍体胚胎干细胞进行印记基因修饰,以及利用该细胞进行复杂胚胎操作后,即可培育出双亲都是同一性别(双父或双
jin ri ,bei jing zhong ke yuan dong wu yan jiu suo de hu bao xiang 、zhou qi he li wei de yan jiu tuan dui zai Cell Stem Cellza zhi (IF=23.29)zai xian fa biao le ti wei "Generation of Bimaternal and Bipaternal Mice from Hypomethylated Haploid ESCs with Imprinting Region Deletions"de yan jiu lun wen 。gai lun wen zhi chu ke tong guo dui chan bei ti pei tai gan xi bao jin hang yin ji ji yin xiu shi ,yi ji li yong gai xi bao jin hang fu za pei tai cao zuo hou ,ji ke pei yo chu shuang qin dou shi tong yi xing bie (shuang fu huo shuang