AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter I Introduction1.1 The Definition of Interpretation1.2 Research Development in Interpretation1.3 The Implication of Context Studies for InterpretationChapter II Interpretation is Communication2.1 Generalization on Communication2.1.1 The Definition of Communication2.1.2 Characteristics and the Process Model of Communication2.2 Interpretation is Communication2.2.1 The Process Model of Interpretation2.2.2 Characteristics of InterpretationChapter III Context: Some Preliminaries3.1 Generalization on the Concept of Context3.1.1 The Definition of Context3.1.2 The History of Context Studies3.1.3 Context is Multifaceted3.2 Context: Static vs. Dynamic3.3 The Fundamental Role of Context in Language UseChapter IV Context of Situation in Interpretation4.1 Variables of Situational Context4.1.1 Intentionality of Interpretation4.1.2 Knowledge of the Subject-matter4.1.3 Knowledge of the Addresser4.1.4 Knowledge of the Addressee4.1.5 Knowledge of the Physical Setting4.1.6 Expectations on the Communicative Effect of Interpretation4.2 The Implication of Context of Situation for InterpretationChapter V Comprehension in Interpretation5.1 Generalization on Language Processing5.1.1 Psychological Mechanism for Language Processing5.1.2 Language Processing Models5.1.3 Perception of Continuous Speech5.2 Process of Language Comprehension in Interpretation5.2.1 Listening in Interpretation5.2.2 The Nature of Language Comprehension in Interpretation from Psychological Dimension5.2.2.1 Psychological Process in Language Comprehension5.2.2.2 The Nature of Language Comprehension in InterpretationChapter VI Relevance Theory and Context6.1 Theoretical Framework of Relevance Theory6.2 Context in Relevance Theory6.2.1 The Definition of Cognitive Context6.2.2 The Dynamic View of Cognitive Context6.2.3 The Implication of Cognitive Context for InterpretationChapter VII A Different Approach to Context: from InternationalCommunication Pragmatics Dimension7.1 Generalization on International Communication Pragmatics7.2 Triple Contextual Categorization of ICP7.2.1 Generalization on Three Contexts7.2.2 Features of Triple Contextual Categorization7.3 The Implication of Triple Contextual Categorization for Interpretation7.3.1 Effectiveness of Communication in Interpretation7.3.2 Failures in Interpretation and Coping Tactics7.3.2.1 Definitions and Classification of Failures in ICP7.3.2.2 Coping Tactics: Discretionary Principle7.3.3 The Implication of Triple Contexts for the InterpreterChapter VIII ConclusionsBibliography
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标签:传播论文; 口译过程论文; 情境语境论文; 认知语境论文; 语境三分论文;