摘要Abstract1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Methodology1.3 Significance of This Research2 Literature Review2.1 On Lun Yu2.1.1 The Social and Historical Importance of Lun Yu2.1.2 Various Perspectives of Study on English Versions of Lun Yu2.2 The Context2.2.1 Definitions of Context2.2.2 The Development of Context Theory2.3 The Cultural Context2.3.1 Definitions of Culture2.3.2 Studies on Categories of Culture2.3.3 Cultural Context and Translation of Chinese Classics2.3.4 Former Researches on Cultural Translation in China2.4 Functional Equivalence2.4.1 Degree of Functional Equivalence2.4.2 Principles for Producing Functional Equivalence in Translation3 Case Studies: The Cultural Context and the Translation of Lun Yu3.1 Case Studies on Conceptual Cultural Context3.2 Case Studies on Social Cultural Context3.2.1 Social Figures3.2.2 Social Traditions3.3 Case Studies on Material Cultural Context3.4 Case Studies on Artistic Cultural Context4 Strategies Adopted in the Case Studies4.1 Note4.2 Transliteration plus Brief in-text Explanation4.3 Paraphrase4.4 Substitution4.5 Generalization4.6 Free Translation+(Pin Yin, Chinese Character)+Detailed Explanation in the Introduction4.7 Coinage4.8 Contextual Amplification4.9 Summary5 Conclusion5.1 Summary5.2 Limitation and Recommendations for Further StudyBibliographyPublications during MA StudyAcknowledgement
标签:论语论文; 文化语境论文; 功能对等论文; 翻译策略论文;