ABSTRACT内容摘要Chapter I IntroductionChapter II History of Sino-Japanese Trade2.1 International Trade Policy of China and Japan2.1.1 China's International Trade Policy History2.1.2 Japan's International Trade Policy History2.2 The View of Sino-Japanese Trade History2.2.1 The Beginning of Sino-Japanese Trade Relations Postwar (1945~ 1949)2.2.2 The Sino-Japanese Trade Relation during Early Years of New China (1950-1952)2.2.3 Development of Sino-Japanese Folk Trade (1953-1958)2.2.4 Synchronized Development of Friendly Trade and LT Trade (1959-1967)2.2.5 Sino-Japanese Economic and Trade Relations before Reestablishment of Diplomatic Relations (1968-1971)2.2.6 The Forming of Sino-Japanese Economic and Trade Situation during the Early Days of Reestablishment of Diplomatic Relations (1972-1978)2.2.7 Developing of Sino-Japanese Economic and Trade Relations during the Early Days of Reform and Opening (1979-1991)2.2.8 Sino-Japanese Economic and Trade Relations in the Period of Market Economy Construction (1992-2000)2.2.9 The Development of Sino-Japanese Economic and Trade Relations after China Entered WTO (2001-2004)Chapter III The Direct Impact that Japan Has Put on Chinese Economy and Trade3.1 Official Development Assistances (ODA) to China from Japanese Government3.1.1 Origin of ODA to China3.1.2 Evolution of Japanese ODA Policy to China3.1.3 Development of Japanese ODA to China3.1.4 The Impact and Evaluation of Japanese ODA to China3.1.5 The Upcoming Ceasing of Japanese ODA to China3.2 Sino-Japanese Agricultural Trade Friction3.2.1 Background3.2.2 Reason Analysis of Setting Trade Barrier to Chinese Agricultural Products3.2.3 Agricultural Product Barrier Impact on Chinese Economy and TradeChapter IV The Indirect Impact that Japan Has Put on Chinese Economy and Trade4.1 The Event of Iron Ore Price Increasing4.1.1 The Iron Ore Price Increasing Event4.1.2 Analysis of External Reasons4.1.3 Analysis of Internal Reasons4.1.4 Impact on Chinese Economy4.2 Competition between AnDa Line and AnNa Line4.2.1 Background4.2.2 The Competition between AnDa Line and AnNa Line4.2.3 Analysis of Internal Reasons4.2.4 Analysis of External Reasons4.2.5 Impact and Hint to Chinese Economic and Trade DevelopmentCHAPTER V ConclusionREFERENCESACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
标签:中日论文; 经济和贸易论文; 影响论文; 官方发展援助论文; 铁矿石论文; 石油管道论文;