


长期以来,国内外都广泛认为翻译是有标准可循的。自从开始进行翻译研究,翻译理论就严格规定了译者应该如何翻译。然而,近年来,规定性翻译理论受到了越来越多的质疑,许多译界学者试图用描述性方法来研究翻译问题。吉迪恩·图里(Gideon Toury)的描述翻译研究就是这样的一种理论。图里认为翻译是一种受规范制约的活动,即,翻译受不同语言和文化背景下的历史、社会和文化因素影响,其理论的核心是翻译规范。翻译规范既不同于绝对的普遍规定,又不同于纯粹的个人风格。而且,规范总处于变化中,具有多样性。因此,译者不必过分拘泥于与源语的完全等值。我国是个旅游资源大国,但一方面,旅游业繁荣发展,另一方面,旅游翻译良莠不齐,对旅游业影响重大。这种现状急需有实用的理论来指导旅游翻译。本文以图里的翻译规范理论为理论框架,通过对比和比较中、英旅游平行语篇,得出汉语旅游语篇英译时的规范,以期对以后的实践有所帮助。通过对比和比较,发现要实现旅游文本的劝诱功能,汉译时,应该遵守目的语的规范。


  • 摘要
  • Abstract
  • Acknowledgements
  • Chapter 1 Introduction
  • Chapter 2 Literature Review
  • 2.1 The Origin of Toury's Translational Norms
  • 2.2 Current Studies on the Translation of Chinese Tourist Texts
  • Chapter 3 Gideon Toury's Translational Norms
  • 3.1 Translation as a Norm-governed Activity
  • 3.2 Concept of Translational Norms
  • 3.2.1 Rules, Norms, Idiosyncrasies
  • 3.2.2 The Multiplicity of Translational Norms
  • 3.3 Three Kinds of Translational Norms
  • 3.3.1 Initial Norm
  • 3.3.2 Preliminary Norms
  • 3.3.3 Operational Norms
  • 3.4 Sources for Reconstruction of Translational Norms
  • Chapter 4 Contrastive and Comparative Analysis of Chinese and English Tourist Texts
  • 4.1 Definition of Tourist Texts
  • 4.2 Linguistic Contrast between Chinese and English Tourist Texts
  • 4.2.1 Lexical Level
  • 4.2.2 Syntactic Level
  • 4.2.3 Textual Level
  • 4.3 Comparison of Functions of English and Chinese Tourist Text
  • Chapter 5 Norms in the English Translation of Chinese Tourist Texts
  • 5.1 Initial Norm: Translating Tourist Texts as "Acceptable Translation"
  • 5.2 Operational Norms
  • 5.2.1 Matricial Norms
  • 5.2.2 Textual-linguistic Norms
  • Chapter 6 Conclusion
  • References
  • 相关论文文献

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