摘要AbstractAcknowlegementsChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Brief Introduction of Currency and Interest Rate Trading2.1 An Overview of Financial Market2.1.1 The Definition of Financial Market2.1.2 The Definition of Currency and Interest Rate Trading2.2 The Necessity of Learning Currency and Interest Rate Trading Market English2.2.1 The Development of Chinese Currency and Interest Rate Trading Market2.3 English used for the MarketChapter 3 Analysis of English Currency and Interest Rate Trading Terms3.1 Theoretical Framework3.1.1 Word vs. Term3.1.2 English Word Structure and Word Formation Processes3.1.3 Semantic Theory3.1.3.1 Two Traditional theories of Semantics3.1.3.2 Meaning Change3.2 Analysis of English Currency and Interest Rate Trading Terms3.2.1 Lexical Features of Currency and Interest Rate Trading Terms3.2.2 Semantic Features of Currency and Interest Rate Trading Terms3.2.3 Some Other Features of Currency and Interest Rate Trading Terms3.2.3.1 Single Meaning3.2.3.2 Multiple Meaning3.2.3.3 AntonymyChapter 4 Chinese Translation of English Currency and Interest Rate Trading Terms4.1 Introduction to Translation4.2 Translation Criteria4.3 Methods of Translation4.4 Tactics for Translating Currency and Interest Rate Trading Terms4.4.1. Using Widely Accepted Terms in Translation4.4.2 Translation of Terms with Multiple Meaning in Different Contexts4.4.3 Translation of Compound Terms4.4.4 Explanation for the Sake of Clarity4.4.5 Translation of Shortened Terms4.4.5.1 Initialisms and Acronyms4.4.5.2 Proper Nouns4.4.5.3 Difficulties in Translating Shortened Terms and Ways to Overcome ThemChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Major Findings of the Study5.2 Implications of the Study5.2.1 Language Competence5.2.2 Expertise Knowledge5.2.3 Communicative Competence5.2.4 Sense of Responsibility5.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further ResearchBibliography
标签:金融市场论文; 资金交易术语论文; 构词法论文; 词义变迁论文; 翻译技巧论文;