摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 A General Remark on Advertisement1.1 Properties of Advertisement1.1.1 Definition of Advertising1.1.2 Classification of Advertising1.1.3 Components of Advertising1.2 Linguistic Features of Advertising1.2.1 Linguistic Features of Advertising English1.2.1.1 The Lexical Level1.2.1.2 The Syntactic Level1.2.1.3 The Rhetorical Level1.2.2 Linguistic Features of Advertising Chinese1.2.2.1 The Phonetic Feature1.2.2.2 The Syntactic Feature1.2.2.3 The Rhetorical FeatureChapter 2 The Relationship Between Memetics and Advertising2.1 The Research on Memetics2.1.1 Genesis and Definition of the Term"Meme"2.1.2 Features of Successful Memes2.1.3 The Interaction Between Language and Meme2.1.3.1 Language as an Effective Way of Transmitting Memes2.1.3.2 Meme as a Motive Power for Language Evolution2.2 Memetic Study in the Field of Advertising2.2.1 Geoff Ayling's Viewpoints on Memes in Advertisement2.2.2 Jay Conrad Levinson's Viewpoints on Memes in Advertisement2.2.3 Paul Marsden's Viewpoints on Memes in Advertisement2.3 Characteristics and Classification of Advertising Memes2.3.1 Characteristics of Advertising Memes2.3.1.1 Simplicity2.3.1.2 Novelty2.3.1.3 Distinctiveness2.3.1.4 Conformity2.3.2 Classification of Advertising Memes2.3.2.1 Genotype of Advertising Memes2.3.2.2 Phenotype of Advertising MemesChapter 3 The Application of Meme Lifecycle Theory to the Process of Advertising Translation3.1 Basic Terms on Meme Lifecycle Theory3.1.1 Memeplex3.1.2 Memepool3.1.3 Host3.1.4 Vector3.2 The Lifecycle of Memes Suggested by Henrik Bjarneskans3.2.1 Transmission3.2.2 Decoding3.2.3 Infection3.2.4 Coding3.3 Four Stages of Meme Replication Suggested by Heylighen3.3.1 Assimilation3.3.2 Retention3.3.3 Expression3.3.4 Transmission3.4 A Tentative Memetic Model for Advertising Translation Process3.4.1 The Necessity for the Study of Translation Process3.4.2 Five Phases in the Memetic Model for Advertising Translation Process3.4.2.1 Hereditary Phase3.4.2.2 Infecting and Decoding Phase3.4.2.3 Encoding Phase3.4.2.4 New Hereditary Phase3.4.2.5 New Infecting and Decoding Phase3.4.3 A Case Study of the ModelChapter 4 The Enlightenment of Chesterman's Translation Memetics for Advertising Translation4.1 Five Supermemes and Advertising Translation4.1.1 The Source-target Supermeme4.1.2 The Equivalence Supermeme4.1.3 The Untranslatability Supermeme4.1.4 The Free-vs-literal Translation Supermeme4.1.5 The All-writing-is-translating Supermeme4.2 Framework of Chesterman's Translation Memetics4.2.1 Norm Memes4.2.1.1 Expectancy Norm Memes4.2.1.2 Professional Norm Memes4.2.2 Value Memes4.2.2.1 Clarity4.2.2.2 Truth4.2.2.3 Trust4.2.2.4 Understanding4.2.3 Strategy Memes4.2.3.1 Syntactic Strategies at the Formal Level4.2.3.2 Semantic Strategies at the Content Level4.2.3.3 Pragmatic Strategies at the Message Level4.3 Application of the Memetic Theory in Advertising Translation4.3.1 The Translation of Brand Names4.3.2 The Translation of Slogans4.3.3 The Translation of Body TextsConclusionNotesBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读学位期间主要的研究成果目录
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标签:模因论文; 模因生命周期论文; 翻译模因论论文; 广告翻译论文;