Abstract中文摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Background of the Research1.2 The Purpose and Significance of the Research1.3 Methodology1.4 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Foreign Language Anxiety2.1.1 Affective Factors in Language Learning2.1.2 Foreign Language Anxiety Research in Applied Psychology2.1.2.1 Anxiety2.1.2.2 Components of Foreign Language Anxiety2.1.2.3 Classification of Language Learning Anxiety2. Facilitating Anxiety and Debilitating Anxiety2. Trait, State and Situation-Specific Anxiety2.1.2.4 Manifestations and Measurement of English Language Anxiety2.1.2.5 Sources of Foreign Language Anxiety2.1.2.6 Effects of Foreign Language Anxiety2.2 Foreign Language Anxiety and Other Personal Variables2.2.1 Foreign Language Anxiety and Gender2.2.2 Foreign Language Anxiety and Family Background2.2.3 Foreign Language Anxiety and Self-esteem2.2.4 Foreign Language Anxiety and Personality2.3 Previous Studies at Home2.4 Critical Appraisal of Existing ResearchesChapter 3 Theoretical Foundations and Methodology3.1 Theoretical Foundations3.1.1 Krashen’s Affective Filter Hypothesis3.1.2 Vygotsky’s Social Constructivism3.1.3 Rogers’Humanism3.2 Research Methodology3.2.1 Subjects3.2.2 Instruments3.2.2.1 Questionnaire of Background Information3.2.2.2 Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) Students’Learning Diaries and Interviews3.2.3 ProcedureChapter 4 Findings and Discussions4.1 Overview of English Anxiety Level4.2 Correlations4.3 Language Anxiety and Other Personal Variables4.3.1 Language Anxiety and Gender4.3.2 Language Anxiety and Family Background4.3.3 Language Anxiety and Different Classes4.3.4 Language anxiety and English Proficiency4.3.5 Language Anxiety and Prizes4.3.6 Language Anxiety and the Start of Learning English4.3.7 Language Anxiety and Personality4.3.8 Language Anxiety and Self-esteem4.4 Findings of the Diaries and Interviews4.5 Implications of the Present Study4.5.1 Establishment of a New Role for Teachers4.5.1.1 Reduction of Personal and Interpersonal Anxieties4.5.1.2 Formation of Learners’Beliefs4.5.1.3 Interactions of Instructors and Learners4.5.2 Innovation in Teaching Approaches4.5.3 Adoption of Cooperative Learning4.5.4 Alleviation of the Peer Competition4.5.5 Reformation of Language Testing4.5.6 Perfection of Course Contents4.5.7 Use of Multiple Media and InternetChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Major Contributions5.3 Limitations and Suggested Future ResearchesBibliographyAppendicesAppendix I QuestionnaireAppendix II Learning Diaries and InterviewsAcknowledgements
标签:英语语言学习焦虑论文; 外国语学校学生论文; 外语学习课堂焦虑量表论文; 问卷调查论文; 访谈论文;