摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter One A Literature Review: Traditional Theory of Metaphor and “the contemporary theory of metaphor”1.1 Traditional Theory of Metaphor1.1.1 Definitions of Metaphor1.1.2 Traditional Views1.1.2.1 Comparison View1.1.2.2 Substitution View1.1.2.3 Interaction View1.2 “the contemporary theory of metaphor”1.2.1 Study of Metaphor from a Cognitive Perspective1.2.2 The Definition of Conceptual Metaphor1.2.3 Metaphor and Our Conceptual System1.2.3.1 Metaphor Is Fundamentally Conceptual1.2.3.2 An Abstract Concept Is Understood in Terms of a Concrete Concept1.2.3.3 Much of Our Conceptual System Is Metaphorical1.2.4 Systematicity of Metaphor1.2.5 Classification of Conceptual Metaphor1.2.5.1 Orientational Metaphor1.2.5.2 Ontological Metaphor1.2.5.3 Structural MetaphorChapter Two The Operational Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphor2.1 Mapping2.1.1 The Cross-domain Mapping2.1.2 Features of Mapping2.1.2.1 Unidirectional Mapping2.1.2.2 Partial Mapping2.1.3 Experiential Basis of Mapping2.1.4 Internal Structure of Mapping2.2 The Integrated Theory of Primary Metaphor2.2.1 Johnson’s Theory of Conflation in the Course of Leaning2.2.2 Grady’s Theory of Primary Metaphor2.2.3 Narayanan’s Neural Theory of Metaphor2.2.4 Fauconnier and Turner’s Theory of Conceptual BlendingChapter 3 Implications of Conceptual Metaphor in English Language Learning and Concept Understanding3.1 Benefit of Conceptual Metaphor in English Language Learning3.1.1 Metaphorical Interpretation of Some English Prepositions3.1.2 Understanding of Metaphorical Expressions3.1.2.1 Making Unconscious Conceptual Metaphors Conscious3.1.2.2 Building up Associations between Two Domains3.2 Benefit of Conceptual Metaphor in Thorough Understanding of Abstract ConceptsConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements硕士期间科研成果
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