AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the research1.2 Objectives and significance of the research1.3 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Review of Related Researches2.1 Deviated rhetoric and rhetoric2.1.1 Brief introduction to rhetoric2.1.2 General recognition to deviated rhetoric2.2 Previous researches on language variation and deviated rhetoric2.2.1 Language variation researches abroad and at home2.2.2 Previous researches on deviated rhetoric2.3 Researches on rhetoric reception and deviated rhetoric receptionChapter 3 Theoretical Foundation: Reception Theory3.1 The basis of Reception Theory3.2 The core of Reception Theory3.2.1 Horizon of expectations3.2.2 Indeterminacy and concretization3.3 The recent development of Reception Theory3.4 Characteristics of Reception TheoryChapter 4 Reception Context of Deviated Rhetoric4.1 Linguistic reception context4.1.1 Phonic reception context4.1.2 Syntactic reception context4.1.3 Textual reception context4.2 Non-linguistic reception context4.2.1 Situational reception context4.2.2 Cultural reception context4.2.3 Cognitive reception contextChapter 5 Reception Measures of Deviated Rhetoric5.1 Adaptable reception and deviated reception5.1.1 Adaptable reception5.1.2 Deviated reception5.2 Static reception and dynamic reception5.2.1 Static reception5.2.2 Dynamic receptionChapter 6 Reception Characteristics of the Deviated Rhetoric6.1 Individuality caused by horizon of expectations6.1.1 Individuality of reception subject6.1.2 Individuality of reception time6.1.3 Individuality of reception space6.2 Selectivity caused by indeterminacy6.2.1 Selection of the reception cultures6.2.2 Selection of the reception levels6.3 Sociality of reception6.3.1 Sociality of the reception subject6.3.2 Sociality of reception psychologyChapter 7 Conclusion7.1 Major findings of the study7.2 Limitations and suggestions for further studyBibliographyAppendix
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