作者(2019)在《Effects of Plant-derived Humic Acid Organic Fertilizer on Selenium Content of Rice in Northern Guangxi》一文中研究指出:This study was to find out the suitable application amount of plant-derived humic acid organic fertilizer for selenium-rich rice production in northern Guilin area by applying the fertilizer at different amounts. The results showed that plant-derived humic acid organic fertilizer could effectively activate selenium in selenium-rich soil, and then promote the uptake of selenium by rice. With costs, selenium enrichment and rice yield as the main evaluation indicators, A4 was chosen as the best treatment, that is, the application of 4 500 kg/hm~2 of plant-derived humic acid organic fertilizer as base fertilizer could achieve the best benefit.
This study was to find out the suitable application amount of plant-derived humic acid organic fertilizer for selenium-rich rice production in northern Guilin area by applying the fertilizer at different amounts. The results showed that plant-derived humic acid organic fertilizer could effectively activate selenium in selenium-rich soil, and then promote the uptake of selenium by rice. With costs, selenium enrichment and rice yield as the main evaluation indicators, A4 was chosen as the best treatment, that is, the application of 4 500 kg/hm~2 of plant-derived humic acid organic fertilizer as base fertilizer could achieve the best benefit.
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:Effects of Plant-derived Humic Acid Organic Fertilizer on Selenium Content of Rice in Northern Guangxi论文