AcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要Chapter I Introduction1.1. Overview of China English Studies1.2 China English Seen in Relation to Language and thought1.3 Purposes of this thesis1.4 Organization of this thesisChapter II Literature Review2.1 Contexts of China English: world Englishes, New Englishes, and Asian Englishes2.2 China English--- a variety of English in China2.2.1 The development of English in China2.2.1.1 Chinese Pidgin English2.2.1.2 Chinglish2.2.2. China English2.2.3. Characteristics of China English2.3. Author’s definition of China EnglishChapter III A Quantitative Analysis of the Characteristics of China English3.1. Sample text design3.1.1 Representative of the Sample Text3.1.2 Size of the Sample Text3.1.3 Questions and tools3.2 A quantitative analysis of China English Features3.2.1 Analysis of sentence length and sentence pattern distribution3.2.2 Analysis of adverbial modifier positioning.3.2.3 Analysis of frequency of topic sentence of a paragraph3.2.4 Analysis of frequency of the first personal pronouns3.2.5. Analysis of frequency of things as subjects of sentencesChapter IV Language and Thought: Causes for Discourse Structure of China English4.1 The relationship between language and thought4.2. The inner causes forming discourse structure of China English4.2.1 The Chinese dialectical logic way of thinking and China English4.2.2 The Chinese synthetic way of thinking and China English4.2.3 The Chinese gyre way of thinking and China English4.2.4 The Chinese collective way of thinking and China English4.2.5 The Chinese Anthropocentric thinking mode and China EnglishChapter V Conclusion5.1 A summary of the analysis5.2 The objective existence of China English5.3 The implications of the study of Chinese Linguistic Thinking and China English for English teaching and learningBIBLIOGRAPHY
标签:中国英语论文; 思维方式论文; 语篇特征论文;
官方讲话中中国英语语言思维区别性特征研究 ——温总理、布什讲话比较个案研究