作者袁翔,阴爽,连艺,颜培源,徐海峰,闫冰(2019)在《Low-lying electronic states of aluminum monoiodide》一文中研究指出:High-level ab initio calculations of aluminum monoiodide(AlI) molecule are performed by utilizing the multireference configuration interaction plus Davidson correction(MRCI+Q) method. The core-valence correlation(CV) and spin–orbit coupling(SOC) effect are considered. The adiabatic potential energy curves(PECs) of a total of 13 Λ–S states and 24 ? states are computed. The spectroscopic constants of bound states are determined, which are in accordance with the results of the available experimental and theoretical studies. The interactions between the Λ–S states are analyzed with the aid of the spin–orbit matrix elements. Finally, the transition properties including transition dipole moment(TDM),Frank–Condon factors(FCF) and radiative lifetime are obtained based on the computed PEC. Our study sheds light on the electronic structure and spectroscopy of low-lying electronic states of the AlI molecule.
High-level ab initio calculations of aluminum monoiodide(AlI) molecule are performed by utilizing the multireference configuration interaction plus Davidson correction(MRCI+Q) method. The core-valence correlation(CV) and spin–orbit coupling(SOC) effect are considered. The adiabatic potential energy curves(PECs) of a total of 13 Λ–S states and 24 ? states are computed. The spectroscopic constants of bound states are determined, which are in accordance with the results of the available experimental and theoretical studies. The interactions between the Λ–S states are analyzed with the aid of the spin–orbit matrix elements. Finally, the transition properties including transition dipole moment(TDM),Frank–Condon factors(FCF) and radiative lifetime are obtained based on the computed PEC. Our study sheds light on the electronic structure and spectroscopy of low-lying electronic states of the AlI molecule.
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论文作者分别是来自Chinese Physics B的袁翔,阴爽,连艺,颜培源,徐海峰,闫冰,发表于刊物Chinese Physics B2019年04期论文,是一篇关于,Chinese Physics B2019年04期论文的文章。本文可供学术参考使用,各位学者可以免费参考阅读下载,文章观点不代表本站观点,资料来自Chinese Physics B2019年04期论文网站,若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请联系我们删除。
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袁翔:Low-lying electronic states of aluminum monoiodide论文