摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background and significance1.1.1 Background1.1.2 Significance1.2 Current research situation at home and abroad1.2.1 Current research situation at abroad1.2.2 Current research situation at home1.3 Main research content of the thesis1.4 Key points and difficult points of the thesis1.4.1 Key points1.4.2 Difficult pointsChapter 2 Resource-based city and government effects during its transformation2.1 Concept and characteristics of resource-based city2.1.1 Concept of resource-based city2.1.2 Main characteristics of resource-based city2.2 Transformation of resource-based city2.2.1 Development problems of resource-based city2.2.2 Development direction in the transformation of resource-based city2.3 Government effects during the transformation of resource-based cityChapter 3 Existing problems in the transformation of resource-based city3.1 Situation of Zaozhuang's transformation development3.1.1 Characteristics of Zaozuang as a resource-based city3.1.2 Practice in the transformation of Zaozhuang3.2 Defects and problems in the government transformation of resource-based city3.2.1 Minds are not free in the government transformation3.2.2 Government actions ruled by men3.2.3 Government functions and responsibilities not clear3.2.4 Weak performance consciousness of government management3.2.5 Restrictions from superior policyChapter 4 Analysis of causes of the problems in the government transformation of resource-based city4.1 Conditions and demands of government transformation of resource-based city4.1.1 Conditions of government transformation of resource-based city4.1.2 Demands of government transformation of resource-based city4.2 Analysis of causes of the problems in the government transformation of resource-based city4.2.1 Single industrial and talent structures lead to a close development concept4.2.2 Official's performance ranking pressure and political achievement demand4.2.3 Mislead from the cadres performance assessment system4.2.4 Misplace of government's roleChapter 5 Objective and ways of government transformation of resource-based city5.1 Inspiration of government transformation of resource-based city at abroad5.2 Objective model of government transformation of resource-based city in China5.3 Fundamental ways of government transformation of resource-basedcity5.3.1 Promote development concept, define transformation direction5.3.2 Strenthen government function, push forward industry transfromation5.3.3 Change administraion concept, build a service-oriented government5.3.4 Focus on system innovation, change administrative practiceConclusionReferencesAcknowledgement学位论文评阅及答辩情况表
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标签:资源型城市论文; 城市转型论文; 政府转型论文; 枣庄市论文;