Title PageAcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Table of ContentsChapter One Introduction1 The origin of the study2 The aim of the thesis3 The structure of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review1 What is a (good) teacher: An overview of teacher essence1.1 Confucius'views on teacher essence1.1.1 Relationship between teacher knowledge and teaching1.1.2 Relationship between teacher morality and teaching1.1.3 Relationship between teacher identity and teaching1.2 Other outlooks on teacher essence2 What makes a (good) teacher: Teacher preparation2.1 Carving the ox2.2 Three phases of teacher preparation2.2.1 Teacher training2.2.2 Teacher education2.2.3 Teacher development3 Summary of literature reviewChapter Three Theoretical Backgrounds1 Teacher identity2 Teachers'personal knowledge3 Teacher biography/autobiographyChapter Four Methodology1 Methods1.1 Case study1.2 Narrative inquiry—Autobiographical/biographical-narrative2 Participants3 Data collection4 Data analysisChapter Five Results of Narrative Inquiry1 Personal biography1.1 Family background1.2 Favorite teacher2 Professional biography2.1 Stories about Juan's teaching career—self-portrait2.2 Portraits in her colleagues' and students'eyesChapter Six Analysis and Discussion1 Essence of a good English teacher1.1 Teacher knowledge1.2 Teacher emotion and spirit1.2.1 Heart-to-heart emotive communication with students1.2.2 Soul-illuminating noble attributes1.3 Teacher commitment1.4 Integrity of teacher identity2 Teacher biography2.1 Family members' impact2.2 The teacher model's impact3 A dialogue of hearts between student and teacher in Juan's teachingChapter Seven Implications1 Nourishment of persons rather than technicians2 Promotion of teacher professional development3 Creation of healthy surroundings for the younger generationChapter Eight ConclusionBibliographyAppendicesAppendix Ⅰ Transcriptions of interviews with Miss JuanAppendix Ⅱ Transcriptions of interviews with Miss Juan's studentsAppendix Ⅲ Transcriptions of interview with Miss Juan's colleaguesAppendix Ⅳ Transcriptions of one of Miss Juan's classroomsAppendix Ⅴ Miss Juan'smemoir (2005/11/1)Appendix Ⅵ Published work
标签:教师素质论文; 孔子论文; 教师身份认同论文; 教师知识论文; 教师成长经历论文; 师资培养论文; 教师发展论文;
Understanding the Essence of a Good Teacher: A Dialogue with Confucius’ Views on Teachers