Abstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 The purpose of this study1.2 The requirements of English teaching and learning in the New English Curriculum Standard and The Syllabus for Full-time Senior Middle School English1.3 The Present situation of English teaching and learning in a rural high school —Linzhang High School1.3.1 The investigation into English teachers and English teaching facilities1.3.2 The general investigation into students’English learning1.3.3 The investigation into students’ extensive reading1.3.4 The interview of English teachers1.3.5 The analysis of the investigation and interview1.4 HypothesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Research on theories of the second language acquisition and English reading2.1.1 Theories of SLA2.1.1.1 Behaviorism2.1.1.2 Universal grammar2.1.1.3. Krashen’s Input Hypothesis and Affective Filter Hypothesis2.1.2 Factors affecting SLA2.1.3 Reading theories based on cognitive psychology and psycholinguistic2.1.3.1 Defining Reading2.1.3.2 Bottom-up model and Top-down model2.1.3.3 Interactive model and Schema model2.1.4 Interest, motivation and language learning2.1.4.1 Interest and language learning2.1.4.2 Motivation and language learning2.2 Research on English reading and learning in China2.2.1 English reading research by Du Xuezeng and Hu Chundong2.2.2 Reading research by other scholars2.2.3 Practical English reading strategies2.2.3.1 Skimming2.2.3.2 Scanning2.2.3.3 Guessing from the context2.2.3.4 Lowering the learning anxiety2.2.3.5 Overcoming some bad habits of reading2.3 SummaryChapter Three The Extensive Reading Experiment3.1 Selecting and compiling reading materials3.1.1 The principles of selecting and compiling reading materials3.1.2 English Classic Reading Series for High School Students3.1.3 The characteristics of the English reading series3.2 Research methods3.2.1 Research subjects3.2.2 The English teacher of Class 25 and Class 26 and the writer of the thesis3.2.3 Characteristics of students in rural high schools3.2.4 Questionnaires3.2.5 Interview3.2.6 Achievement tests3.2.7 Analysis with SPSSv13.03.3 Procedures of the reading experiment3.3.1 The experiment and requirements3.3.2 The general reading method3.3.3 The procedures of experiment3.3.3.1 The preparations for the experiment3.3.3.2 The first stage of the experiment3.3.3.3 The second stage of the experiment3.3.3.4 The post experiment arrangements3.4 Other teaching activities along with the extensive reading experimentChapter Four Analysis of the Experiment4.1 Statistics of the scores4.1.1 The pre-test scores4.1.2 The comparison between the pre-test and post-test scores4.2 The comparison between the pre-questionnaires and post-questionnaires4.2.1 The new investigation into students’ English learning4.2.2 The new investigation into students’ English extensive reading4.3. The analysis of the interview4.4 The analysis of the experimentChapter Five Conclusion5.1 General findings of the study5.1.1 Findings of English teaching and learning in Linzhang High School5.1.2 Findings on English extensive reading5.2 Suggestions on English extensive reading and English learning for rural high schools5.3 LimitationsBibliographyAppendicesAppendix 1 农村高中学生英语学习状况调查问卷Appendix 2 农村高中学生英语课外阅读状况调查问卷Appendix 3 前测 后测成绩表 (Class 25 )Appendix 4 前测 后测成绩表 (Class 26 )Appendix 5 Pre-test paperAppendix 7 Psot-test paperAcknowledgements
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标签:农村高中论文; 泛读论文; 英语学习论文; 学习兴趣和动机论文;