

论文题目: 中国大学生英语学习者学习策略研究

论文类型: 硕士论文

论文专业: 外国语言学及应用语言学

作者: 赵欣

导师: 于晓言

关键词: 大学英语,作为外语的英语,高等教育,语言学习策略,变革触媒

文献来源: 东北财经大学

发表年度: 2005

论文摘要: 当前中国经济、科技的空前发展为我们提供了更加广泛的国际交流的机会,也使我们愈发意识到了英语作为世界语言的重要性。长期以来,英语的学习和教授在中国的教育中一直具有相当重要的位置。大学英语作为高等教育的一个有机的组成部分,长期来更是大学生的一门必修的基础课程。 然而,传统的以教师为中心的教学模式培养出来的学生,其英语水平却着实令人失望。幸而,近年来,在中国的高等教育中,英语作为外语的教学其中心发生了显著的转变,即更加关注学习和学习者。伴随着这一转变,一些新的问题,如学习者如何处理新的信息,以及使用什么样的策略来理解、学习或记忆信息,便成为了英语学习领域所关注的重要内容。 Oxford(1990)认为使用恰当的语言学习策略能够全面地、或者在某些领域具体地提高学习者的学习效果。这一观点已经得到相关研究的证明。尽管学习者对于学习策略的选择和使用在客观上受到诸多内部和外部因素的影响,但是,正如Cohen(1998)所说,通过指导和练习,学习者可以学会(更好地运用)策略,也就是说策略是可教的。老话说得好“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”。从教育学的角度而言,教授学生“如何学”要比教授他们“学什么”更有助于培养独立、自主和有效的学习者,这也正是教育的根本目标之所在。在英语语言的学习过程中可以运用多种学习策略,学习者如果能够得到这方面的训练,则会极大地提高他们的学习效率和改进学习效果。 需要指出的是,对于学习策略和学习者自身责任的强调,并不意味着对于教师重要性的削弱。相反,在教学过程中,教师不再仅仅是教学活动的管理者、控制者和指导者,而要适应一个新增的角色——变革触媒。




Capter 1 Introduction

1.1 A General Description of the Study

1.1.1 Introducing the Topic

1.1.2 Rationale and Justification

1.2 Need for the Study

1.3 The Overall Structure of the Thesis

Capter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Definitions of Key Terms

2.1.1 Clarification of ESL Learning Strategies and EFL Learning Strategies

2.1.2 Definitions of Language Learning Strategies

2.2 Classifications of Learning Strategies

2.3 Review of Related Studies

2.3.1 Studies on Language Learning Strategies in the Late 1960s and Early 1970s

2.3.2 Studies on Language Learning Strategies in the 1980s

2.3.3 Studies on Language Learning Strategies in the 1990s

2.3.4 Studies on Language Learning Strategies in China in the 1980s and 1990s

2.3.5 Studies on Language Learning Strategies Since the Turn of This Century

Capter 3 Factors Influencing EFL Learning Strategies

3.1 Internal Factors

3.2 External Factors

Capter 4 A Survey Study

4.1 Research Design

4.1.1 Subjects

4.1.2 Instrument

4.1.3 Procedure and Data Collection

4.2 Major Findings

4.3 Discussion

Capter 5 Strategy Training

5.1 Necessity of Strategy Training

5.2 Goals of Strategy Training

5.3 Insights from the Literature Regarding Explicit Strategy Training

5.4 Approaches to Providing Strategy Training

5.4.1 General Study-skills Courses

5.4.2 Awareness Training: Lectures and Discussion

5.4.3 Awareness Training: Strategy Workshops

5.4.4 Peer Tutoring

5.4.5 Strategy Inserted into Language Textbooks

5.4.6 Videotaped Mini-courses

5.4.7 Strategy-based Instruction

Capter 6 Design of Strategy Training and Teachers' Role in SBI

6.1 A Step-by-step Approach to the Design of Strategy Training for Learners

6.1.1 Determining the Learners' Needs and the Resources Available for Training

6.1.2 Selecting the Strategies

6.1.3 Considering the Benefits of Integrated Strategy Training

6.1.4 Considering Motivational Issues

6.1.5 Preparing the Materials and Activities

6.1.6 Conducting Explicit Strategy Training

6.1.7 Evaluating and Revising the Strategy Training

6.2 The Role of Teachers in SBI

6.2.1 Teachers as Diagnosticians

6.2.2 Teachers as Learner Trainers

6.2.3 Teachers as Coaches

6.2.4 Teachers as Coordinators

6.2.5 Teachers as Language Learners

6.2.6 Teachers as Researchers

Chapter 7 Conclusion

7.1 Major Work of this Thesis

7.2 Implications in the Context of China for EFL Learning and Teaching

7.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research






发布时间: 2006-12-26


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