摘要ABSTRACTChapter 1 Introduction1.1 General Statement1.2 Rationale for the present research1.2.1 The motivation of the present research1.2.2 The reason for adopting a systemic-functional grammar approach1.2.3 The significance of the present research1.3 Ways to conduct the present research1.3.1 Data collection1.3.2 Approaches to data analysis1.4 Organization of the present researchChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Overview2.2 Definition of hotel brochure2.3 Interpersonal meaning2.4 Different approaches to interpersonal meaning2.5 Application of systemic-functional grammar to the study of interpersonal meaning of discourse2.6 SummaryChapter3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Overview3.2 Halliday's conceptual framework3.3 A critical view on Halliday's framework3.4 A theoretical framework for the present research3.5 SummaryChapter4 Mood Analysis of Hotel Brochures4.1 Overview4.2 Theoretical background from functional grammar4.2.1 Speech role4.2.2 Speech functions4.2.3 Speech functions and typical mood structures4.2.4 Grammatical metaphor4.3 Mood analysis in hotel brochures4.3.1 Speech roles in hotel brochures4.3.1.1 Information-giving4.3.1.2 Actions-demanding4.4 "dialogue" in hotel brochures4.4.1 Imperative and Interrogative in hotel brochures4.4.2 "If..."structure4.5 ConclusionChapter 5 Modality Analysis of Hotel Brochures5.1 Overview5.2 Theoretical background from functional grammar5.2.1 Halliday's viewpoint on modality5.2.2 Types of modality5.2.3 Functional categorization of modal expressions5.2.4 Subjective and objective modality5.2.5 Values of modality expressions5.3 Modality in samples5.3.1 Modalization5.3.1.1 Modal Auxiliaries5.3.1.2 Modal adjuncts5.3.2 Modulation5.4 Modality as politeness strategies5.4.1 Modal expressions of probability5.4.2 Modal expressions of inclination5.4.3 Modal expressions of obligation5.5 SummaryChapter 6 Person System Analysis of Hotel Brochures6.1 Overview6.2 Person system in hotel brochures6.2.1 Distribution and Frequency of the Person Pronouns in hotel brochures6.2.2 The first person pronouns6.2.3 The second person pronouns6.2.4 The third person pronouns6.3 Pronoun systems and interpersonal meaning6.3.1 Interpersonal meaning of the referential switch6.3.2 Interpersonal meaning created by combination of first and second person pronouns6.4 SummaryChapter 7 Evaluation Analysis of Hotel Brochures7.1 Overview7.2 Evaluation7.2.1 Definitionofevaluation7.2.2 Parameters of evaluation7.2.3 Functions of evaluation7.2.4 Ways to identify evaluation7.3 Evaluations in hotel brochures7.3.1 Lexical and grammatical identification of evaluation in hotel brochures7.3.1.1 Adjectives7.3.1.2 Adverbials7.3.1.3 Nouns7.3.1.4 Comparatives and Superlatives7.4 Functions of Evaluation in hotel brochures7.5 SummaryChapter 8 Conclusion8.1 Summary of the study8.2 Implications8.3 Limitation and further studiesAcknowledgementsReferencesAppendix
标签:宾馆宣传手册论文; 人际意义论文; 系统功能语法论文; 话语分析论文;