摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 A General Survey of Interlanguage Theory1.1 Definitions and Descriptions of Interlanguage1.1.1 Definition of Interlanguage1.1.2 Stages of Interlanguage1.1.3 Development Patterns of Interlanguage1.2 Characteristics of Interlanguage1.2.1 Permeable1.2.2 Dynamic1.2.3 Systematic1.3 SummaryChapter 2 Interlanguage Theory in the Light of Multi-Theoretic Frameworks2.1 Schemata Theory and Interlanguage2.1.1 Schemata Theory2.1.2 Correspondence between Schematic Theory and Interlanguage2.2 "Pre-understanding" and Interlanguage2.2.1 "Pre-understanding" Theory2.2.2 Similarity between "Pre-understanding" and "Interlanguage"2.3 "Language Transfer" and "Interlanguage"2.3.1 Language Transfer Theory2.3.2 Language Transfer in Relation to the Interlanguage Theory2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Translation and Interlanguage3.1 Production of Translator's Interlanguage3.2 Interlanguage's Negative Transfers in Translation3.2.1 Negative Transfer at the Lexical Level3.2.2 Negative Transfer at the Syntactic Level3.2.3 Negative Transfer at the Discourse Level3.2.4 Negative Transfer Concerning Ways of Thinking3.3 SummaryChapter 4 Interlanguage in Lin Yutang's Translation Practice4.1 A Brief View of Lin Yutang's Interlanguage4.2 Interlanguage in Lin's Translation Practice4.2.1 Cultural-Oriented Choice of Translation Materials4.2.2 Target Reader-Oriented Translation4.3 SummaryChapter 5 A Case Study of Fu Shen Liu Ji Translated by Lin Yutang5.1 Introduction to Fu Shen Liu Ji and Its Translation5.1.1 Shen Fu and Fu ShengLiu Ji5.1.2 Lin Yutang and His Translation of Fu Sheng Liu Ji5.2 Presentation of Lin Yutang's Interlanguage—Hybridity5.2.1 Lin Yutang's Cultural Attitude in Six Chapters of a Floating Life5.2.2 Translation Strategies of Cultural-loaded Items and Hybrid Identity5.2.3 Names' Translation5.2.4 Conventional Culture's Translation5.3 Lin Yutang's Cultural Misinterpretation in Six Chapters of a Floating Life5.3.1 Loss of Cultural Connotation Information5.3.2 Contradiction in Ideological Concept5.3.3 Inconsistent Translation Forms in Metrology5.4 SummaryChapter 6 ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读学位期间主要的研究成果目录
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