AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 The purpose and significance of the study1.3 Design of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 The historical status of vocabulary in language teaching and learning2.2 L2 Vocabulary acquisition2.2.1 Context Alone2.2.2 Strategy2.2.3 Development plus explicit instruction2.2.4 Classroom activities2.3 Receptive and productive knowledge in lexical competence2.4 Vocabulary size and vocabulary level test2.4.1 Vocabulary size and its function2.4.2 What is a word2.4.3 Vocabulary size test2.4.4 Measurement of receptive and productive vocabulary2.4.4.1 History of VLT2.4.4.2 Empirical RV and PV studiesChapter Three Design and Methodology3.1 Hypotheses and research questions3.2 Design of the study3.3 Subjects3.4 Instruments3.4.1 Vocabulary level test3.4.1.1 Receptive vocabulary size test3.4.1.2 Productive vocabulary size test3.4.2 Questionnaire3.4.3 Interview3.5 ProceduresChapter Four Results and Discussion4.1 Data analysis of Group 14.1.1 Descriptive analysis of Group 14.1.2 Paired samples t-test of Group 14.2 Data analysis of Group 24.2.1 Descriptive statistics4.2.2 Non parametric tests of Group 24.3 Data analysis of Group 34.3.1 Descriptive statistics4.3.2 Paired samples t test4.4 One way ANOVAChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Conclusions of the Study5.2 Teaching implications5.3 Limitations of the study5.4 Suggestion for future researchBibliographyAPPENDICESAppendix ⅠReceptive vocabulary size testAppendix II Productive vocabulary size testAPPENDIX Ⅲ 中国高年级大学生英语词汇能力发展状况的问卷调查APPENDIX Ⅳ 中国高年级大学生英语词汇能力发展状况的访问问题
标签:接受性词汇发展论文; 产出性词汇发展论文; 大学英语后学习者论文;