AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentsList of TablesList of FiguresList of AbbreviationsChapter One Introduction1.1 Rationale for the present study1.1.1 The importance of DAs in English learning1.1.2 Difficulties of learning DAs on the part of the EFL learners in China1.1.3 Unsatisfactory presentation of DAs in current ECLDs1.2 Research questions and methodology1.2.1 Research questions1.2.2 Research methodology1.3 Organization of the thesisChapter Two Relevant Studies on Derivational Affixes2.1 Definition,classification and properties of DAs2.1.1 Definition of derivational affixes2.1.2 Properties of derivational affixes2.1.3 Classification of derivational affixes2.2 Previous research on derivational affixes2.2.1 Previous research on DAs from linguistic perspective2.2.2 Research on DAs in the field of English language teaching2.2.3 Previous research on DAs from lexicographic perspectiveChapter Three Comparative Study of the Presentation of DAs in Current Mainstream ELDs and ECLDs3.1 Introduction3.2 Essential information concerning DAs in learners' dictionaries3.3 Presentation of DAs in mainstream ELDs(Big Five)3.3.1 Presentation of DAs in OALD 63.3.2 Presentation of DAs in LDOCE 43.3.3 Presentation of DAs in COBUILD3.3.4 Presentation of DAs in CALD3.3.5 Presentation of DAs in MEDAL3.3.6 Summary3.4 Examination on the presentation of DAs in ECLDs3.4.1 Presentation of DAs in MFECD3.4.2 Presentation of DAs in MFDCETL3.4.3 Presentation of DAs in NCMFECD3.5 SummaryChapter Four Tentative Principles and Methods for an Optimal Presentation of DAs in ECLDs4.1 Introduction4.2 Inspiration from the CLEC-based analysis of DA acquisition4.3 Insight from the experimental study4.3.1 Planning and implementation of the survey4.3.2 Results and discussions4.4 Principles for optimizing the presentation of DAs in ECLDs4.4.1 Principles for the presentation of DAs on the megastructure level4.4.2 Principles for the presentation of DAs on the micro-structural level4.4.3 Principles for the presentation of DAs on the medio-structure level4.5 Sample entryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Research findings5.2 Innovations of the study5.3 Limitations of the study5.4 Implications and suggestions for further studyBibliographyAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppendix EAppendix FAppendix GAppendix H
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标签:派生词缀论文; 中国英语学习者论文; 错误分析论文; 用户视角论文; 英汉学习词典论文;