Acknowledgements摘要Abstract1. Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Thesis organization2. Prosody: a preliminary view2.1 Phonetics and phonology2.2 Segmental and suprasegmental2.3 Prosodic features2.3.1 Pitch2.3.1.1 The nature of pitch2.3.1.2 Pitch, tone, and intonation2.3.2 Loudness2.3.2.1 The nature of loudness2.3.2.2 Loudness, stress and prominence2.3.3 Tempo2.3.3.1 The nature of tempo2.3.3.2 Tempo, length, and duration2.3.4 Rhythm2.3.4.1 The nature of rhythm2.3.4.2 English: Stress-timed or not?3. A survey of the functions of language3.1 Theories of language functions3.2 Basic language functions3.3 Functions of language according to Leech3.3.1 Informational function3.3.2 Expressive function3.3.3 Directive function3.3.4 Phatic function3.3.5 Aesthetic function3.4 Summary4. A functional analysis of prosodic features4.1 Informational function of prosodic features4.1.1 Informational function realized by pitch variation4.1.2 Informational function realized by loudness4.1.3 Informational function realized by tempo4.2 Expressive function of prosodic features4.2.1 Expressive function realized by pitch variation4.2.2 Expressive function realized by loudness4.2.3 Expressive function realized by tempo and rhythm4.3 Directive function of prosodic features4.3.1 Directive function realized by pitch variation4.3.2 Directive function realized by loudness, tempo and rhythm4.4 Phatic function of prosodic features4.4.1 Phatic function realized by pitch variation4.4.2 Phatic function realized by loudness, tempo, and rhythm4.5 Aesthetic function of prosodic features4.5.1 Aesthetic function realized by pitch, loudness and tempo4.5.2 Aesthetic function realized by rhythm4.6 Language functions realized jointly by prosodic features4.7 Summary5. Implications in language teaching and communication5.1 The investigation conducted5.1.1 The purpose of the investigation5.1.2 The participants of the investigation 5.1.3 A brief analysis of the investigation results5.2 Implications in language teaching5.2.1 Current pronunciation teaching situation5.2.2 Integrating prosodic features into pronunciation teaching5.3 Implications in language communication6. Conclusion6.1 Summary of the study6.2 Limitations and suggestionsBibliographyAppendix Questionnaire(调研问卷)攻读学位期间的研究成果
标签:韵律特征论文; 语言功能论文; 音高论文; 音量论文; 音速论文; 节奏论文;