摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Importance of Research on Film Subtitle Translation1.2 Significance of Present Research1.3 General Layout of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Definition of Film Subtitle Translation2.1.1 The Distinction between Film Subtitle Translation and Dubbing2.1.2 Film Subtitle Translation Outweighs Dubbing2.1.3 Functions of Film Subtitle Translation2.1.4 The Features of Film Subtitle Language2.1.5 The Constraints of Film Subtitle Translation2.2 Development of Film Subtitle Translation in the West2.2.1 Early Study and Research in the West2.2.2 The Golden Age of Film Subtitle Translation2.2.3 Current Research and Leading Scholars2.3 The Overview of the Film Subtitle Translation in China2.3.1 Research and Development of Film Subtitle Translation2.3.2 Research Disparity between China and Western Countries2.3.3 The Importance of Strengthening the Research of Film Subtitle Translation in ChinaChapter Three Introduction of German Functional Theories3.1 The General Development of German Functional Theories3.1.1 Reiss’s Text Typology and Function Theory3.1.2 Vermeer’s Skopostheorie3.1.3 Holz-Manttari’s Translational Action Theory3.1.4 Nord’s Function plus Loyalty Theory3.2 The Feasibility of applying German Functional Theories to Film Subtitle TranslationChapter Four Film Subtitle Translation from Perspective of German Functional Theories4.1 Text Typology and Function Approach4.1.1 Three Text Types and Their Corresponding Functions4.1.2 Text Types and Functions of Film Subtitle Translation Text4.2 Translational Action Theory4.2.1 Translation as an Interpersonal Action4.2.2 Translation as a Purposeful Activity4.2.3 Translation as Intercultural Activity4.3 Skopostheorie4.3.1 The Translator’s Skopos4.3.2 The Skopos of Target Text4.3.3 The Skopos of Translation Methods and Strategies4.4 Loyalty plus Function Principle4.4.1 Brief Introduction of Loyalty and Function4.4.2 Loyalty and Function of Film Subtitle TranslationChapter Five Case Studies through Three Principle Rules of Skopostheorie5.1 The Skopos Rule5.2 The Coherence Rule5.3 The Fidelity RuleChapter Six ConclusionReferencesAcknowledgements个人简历研究生期间发表论文情况
标签:电影字幕翻译论文; 功能翻译理论论文; 目的论论文; 目的性原则论文;