AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentsList of TablesList of AppendicesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Purpose of the research1.3 Significance of the research1.4 Overview of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Studies on anxiety in educational psychology2.3 Studies on anxiety in Second Language Acquisition (SLA)2.4 Studies on anxiety in English writing2.5. Comments2.6 Research questions2.7 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 The Yerkes-Dodson Law(1908)3.2 The Trait-State Anxiety Theory by Spielberger(1971)3.3 SummaryChapter 4 Methodology4.1 Introduction4.2 Subjects4.3 Instruments4.3.1 Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory(SLWAI)4.3.2 Writing tasks and formal writing tests in the English classroom4.3.3 Interviews4.3.4 Ordering anxiety in different writing situations4.4 Data collection and analysisChapter 5 Findings and Discussion5.1 Findings5.1.1 Data analysis of the Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory(SLWAI)5.1.2 Data analysis of writing performance5.1.3 Data analysis of the correlation between anxiety and writing performance5.1.4 Data analysis of interviews5.1.5 Data analysis of ordering anxiety in different writing situations5.1.6 Summary of the findings5.2 Discussion5.2.1 Discussion on the relationship between anxiety and writing performance5.2.2 Discussion on the differences between the students of the outstanding class and the poor class5.3 SummaryChapter 6 Conclusions6.1 Major findings6.2 Pedagogical implications6.3 Limitations and suggestions for further studyReferencesAppendices
标签:焦虑论文; 写作成绩论文; 英语写作论文; 中学生论文; 相关研究论文;