摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Literature Review1.1.1 The Definitions of Discourse Markers(DMs)1.1.2 Historical Research on Discourse Markers1.1.3 Pragmatic Equivalence as a Translation Principle1.2 So as a Discourse Marker1.3 An Introduction to Desperate Housewives1.4 Purpose and Significance of the Study1.5 The Framework of the ThesisChapter 2 Contextual Effects of So and Its Translation in Desperate Housewives2.1 Contextual Effects of So in Desperate Housewives2.1.1 So as a Conversation Trigger2.1.1.1 So as a Conversation Initiator2.1.1.2 So as a Conversation Continuer2.1.1.3 So as a Topic Shifter of a Conversation2.1.1.4 So as a Tentative Marker of a Conversation2.1.1.5 So as an Inference Marker of a Conversation2.1.1.6 So as a Conclusion Marker of a Conversation2.1.1.7 So as a Hesitation or Insufficiency Marker of a Conversation2.1.2 So to Indicate Purposes of Speaker2.1.2.1 So to Indicate Speaker's Intention2.1.2.2 So to Indicate Speaker's Request2.1.2.3 So to Indicate Speaker's Explanation2.1.2.4 So to Indicate Speaker's Compromise2.1.2.5 So to Attract Hearer's Attention2.1.2.6 So to Indicate Information Implication2.1.2.7 So to Indicate the Key Point of a Conversation2.1.3 Summary2.2 Pragmatic Analyses of the Translation of So in Desperate Housewives2.2.1 Translation with the Implicatures of the Original Made Explicit2.2.1.1 Free Translation2.2.1.2 The Addition of So2.2.2 Translation without Making the Implicatures of the Original Explicit2.2.2.1 Literal Translation2.2.2.2 The Omission of So2.2.3 Problems in the Translation of So2.2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Emotional Effects of So and Its Translation in Desperate Housewives3.1 Emotional Effects of So in Desperate Housewives3.1.1 So as an Indicator of Dissatisfaction3.1.2 So as an Indicator of Irony3.1.3 So as an Indicator of Indifference3.1.4 So as an Indicator of Surprise3.1.5 So as an Indicator of Excitement3.1.6 So as an Indicator of Anger3.1.7 So as an Indicator of Impatience3.1.8 So as an Indicator of Depression3.1.9 Summary3.2 Pragmatic Analyses of the Translation of So in Desperate Housewives3.2.1 Application of Speech Act Theory to Translation of So3.2.2 Translation with the Implicatures of the Original Made Explicit3.2.3 Translation without Making the Implicatures of the Original Explicit3.2.4 Application of Emotional Words to the Translation3.2.5 Problems in the Translation of So3.2.6 SummaryChapter 4 Conclusion4.1 Findings of the Present Study4.2 Limitations of the Present Study and Prospect for Further StudyAcknowledgementsBibliographyPublication While Registered with the MA Program
标签:话语标记语论文; 语用功能论文; 语境效果论文; 情感效果论文; 翻译策略论文;