AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentsChapter I Introduction1.1 Context of the study1.2 Purpose of this thesis1.3 Significance of this research1.4 Definitions of some key concepts1.4.1 Strategy1.4.2 Internal consistency reliability1.4.3 Exploratory factor analysisChapter II Literature Review2.1 College English Test2.2 Strategy, definitions and classifications2.2.1 Rubin (1975)2.2.2 O'Malley & Chamot (1990)2.2.3 Oxford (1990)2.2.4 Cohen (1990)2.3 Listening ability2.3.1 The nature of listening ability2.3.2 The importance of listening ability2.3.3 Features of listening tests2.3.4 Factors affecting the listening stimuli2.3.5 Test task types2.3.6 Listening skills required in the Curriculum2.3.7 The relationship between the skills of listening and reading2.4 Construct Validity2.5 Relevant studies2.5.1 O'Malley & Chamot (1989)2.5.2 Shohamy & Inbar (1991)2.5.3 Wu (1998)2.5.4 Anderson, Bachman, Perkins & Cohen (1991)2.5.5 CritiqueChapter III Research Methodology3.1 Research questions3.2 Research participants3.2.1 Participants doing the questionnaire3.2.2 Participants in the LC test and the verbal report3.3 Research Instrument3.3.1 Research materials3.3.2 Test-taking strategy questionnaire3.3.3 Immediate retrospection3.4 Research procedures3.4.1 Questionnaire3.4.2 Verbal report3.5 Data analysis procedures3.5.1 Analysis of questionnaire data3.5.2 Internal consistency reliability3.5.3 Exploratory factor analysis3.5.4 Content analysis3.5.5 Test performance analysis3.5.6 Analyses of immediate retrospection dataChapter IV Discussion1. Research question 1: Do test-takers employ test-taking strategies when taking the LC test of CET4, and what role do test-wiseness strategies play?2. Research question 2: Do the question types meet College English Curriculum Requirements (For Trial Implementation) of 2004?3. Research question 3: Is there a significant difference of strategy use when listeners perform questions of different types ?Main idea, Direct Statement, Inference?4. Research question 4: Is there a significant difference in strategy use when listeners perform test tasks of different difficulty levels?Chapter V Conclusion and Implications5.1 Conclusion5.2 Implications for further researchReferencesAppendix I Abbreviation IndexAppendix IIAppendix IIIAppendix IV
标签:结构效度论文; 熟练测验技巧策略论文; 内容效度论文; 考试成绩论文;