AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentsCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 Rationale for the study1.2 Statement of the problems1.3 Significance of the studyCHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Previous studies of the theory of context2.1.1 The ingredients of context2.1.1.1 Micro-context2.1.1.2 Macro-context2.1.2 The functions of context2.1.2.1 The semantic function2.1.2.2 The cultural function2.2 Previous study of vagueness related to legal language2.2.1 Overseas researches about legal vagueness2.2.2 The researches about legal vagueness in ChinaCHAPTER THREE VAGUENESS IN LAW3.1 Definition of vagueness in law3.2 The difference between vagueness and ambiguity3.3 The difference between vagueness and fuzzinessCHAPTER FOUR CLARIFYING VAGUENESS IN LEGAL LANGUAGE BY USING THE THEORY OF CONTEXT: THE CASE STUDY OF AMERICAN CASE4.1 The ways of clarifying vagueness in legal language in previous research4.1.1 Hans Kelsen: the principle of completeness4.1.2 Donald Dworkin: the right answer thesis4.2 The author’s proposal: the theory of context to clarify the vagueness in American case4.2.1 The analysis of vagueness in the opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States about the case: the vagueness in Plessy v. Ferguson4.2.2 The vagueness of the opinion of the U. S. Supreme Court causing the misunderstanding of the law4.3 The exterior context of the case of Plessy v. Ferguson4.4 The functions of context clarifying the vagueness in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson4.4.1 Perspectives of the semantic function of the context4.4.2 Perspectives of the cultural function of the context4.5 Social significance of the abolition of the doctrine of “separate but equal”in the United StatesCHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSIONBibliography
标签:法律模糊性论文; 法律语言论文; 语境论文; 模糊性明晰化论文;