Acknowledgements中文摘要AbstractAbbreviations of Books of the BibleChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Objectives of the Study1.3 Study of Metaphor Theories in Retrospect1.4 Layout of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Theoretical Considerations2.2 The Development of Cognitive View on Metaphor2.2.1 I. A. Richards’s Interanimation View2.2.2 Max Black’s Interaction View2.2.3 Lakoff and Johnson’s Conceptual Metaphor Theory2.2.4 Fauconnier’s Conceptual Blending Theory2.2.5 The Conceptual Blending Theory vs. the Conceptual Metaphor Theory2.3 Cognitive Poetics2.3.1 Category2.3.2 Prototype Theory2.3.3 Cognitive Models2.3.3.1 Image Schemas2.3.3.2 Cultural modals2.3.4 Parable and ProjectionChapter 3 Two Major Parables in the Poetical Books of the Bible3.1 Rationale of the Study3.2 Background Information of the Study3.3 Major parabolic interpretations in the Poetical Books3.3.1 The PASTORAL Parable3.3.1.1 Prototype of the Parable3.3.1.2 Another Level of meaning3.3.1.3 Intertexuality of the Parable3.3.2 The JOURNEY Parable with two different PATH schemas3.3.2.1 Overview of the JOURNEY Parable in the OT3.3.2.2 The Moral Journey vs. the Wicked Journey3.3.2.3 The Uniqueness of the JOURNEY Parable in Religious ContextsChapter 4 The Study of Metaphors in the Book of Psalms4.1 Introduction of the Book of Psalms4.2 Common Experiential Elements in the Book of Psalms4.2.1 A Central Conflict4.2.2 Prototypes4.2.3 Common Emotion Praise towards God4.2.3.1 The Role of Praise4.2.3.2 An Example4.2.4 Different Individual’s Interpretation4.3 Detailed Interpretation of Psalm 234.3.1 A Brief Introduction of Psalm 234.3.2 Verse by Verse Interpretation of Psalm 234.3.3 Conclusion of PsalmChapter 5 The Study of Metaphors in the Book of Proverbs5.1 Introduction of the Book of Proverbs5.2 Further Investigation into the Previous Nine Chapters of the Book of Proverbs605.2.1 Similarities in the Nine Chapters5.2.2 Choice between “Wisdom” and “Fool” Woman Folly and Her way5.2.2.2 Woman Wisdom and Her way5.2.3 Climax of the Conflict between “Wisdom” and Fool” Woman Wisdom’s Party5.2.3.2 Woman Folly’s Party5.3 Conclusion—A Cognitive InterpretationChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Main Findings6.2 Suggestions for Further StudyBibliographyAppendices
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标签:隐喻论文; 认知诗学论文; 圣经诗歌书论文;