


本文以安德鲁·勒菲弗尔(Andre Lefevere)的改写理论为基础研究“文革”结束初期英若诚的戏剧翻译活动及其具体翻译策略。但不同于多数从意识形态、诗学观和赞助势力角度的研究,本文选取了改写理论的另外一个研究视角——话语世界——来分析英若诚对翻译对象的选取和影响其翻译策略的主要因素。本文认为,“话语世界”概念引入翻译研究主要解决了两个问题:一是打破了意识形态与诗学观的二元对立,二是将这两大要素进一步细化和具体化,避免翻译研究中的泛意识形态化倾向。鉴于目前国内外对此概念的研究并不多见,本文力求通过全面深入的分析来印证话语世界的原理对当今翻译文化研究的重大意义。研究文本主要选自英若诚在“文革”结束初期和国内“四年戏剧观大讨论”期间的英译汉和汉译英作品,此期间为中国文化建设的一个关键时期,社会主流意识形态与诗学观念经历了一次巨大的变革。本文结合时代特征与具体作品的中心主题,运用丰富的实例,揭示了英若诚在翻译过程中如何平衡两种语言的话语世界,以及安德鲁·勒菲弗尔提出的决定译者平衡话语世界的六要素是如何影响英若诚对译本的选取和对翻译策略的选择。研究结果表明,平衡话语世界的六要素,即原语文本的地位、目标语的自我文化形象、目标语文化可接受的文本类型、目标语文化可接受的措辞方式、意向性读者以及目标语文化可接受的文化行为模式,对英若诚从事的宏观翻译活动和具体翻译决策产生了一定的影响。


  • Acknowledgements
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Chapter One Introduction
  • Chapter Two Literature Review
  • 2.1 Universe of Discourse Proposed by Andre Lefevere
  • 2.1.1 How Andre Lefevere Defines Universe of Discourse
  • 2.1.2 The Categories of Universe of Discourse
  • 2.1.3 The Six Factors Influencing Translation
  • 2.2 Previous Studies on Ying Ruocheng’s Drama Translation in China
  • 2.3 Summary
  • Chapter Three Ying Ruocheng’s Drama Translation after the “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution”
  • 3.1 The Background of Ying Ruocheng’s Drama Translation Activities
  • 3.1.1 Transformation from “Eight Stage Works for 800 Million People” to “Four-Year Discussion on the Notion of Drama”
  • 3.1.2 Ying Ruocheng’s Translation Activities and Communication of Drama Performance
  • 3.2 Main Features of the Drama Works Selected by Ying Ruocheng
  • 3.2.1 Strong Cultural Flavors and Distinct Regional Features
  • 3.2.2 Lively Language
  • 3.3 Summary
  • Chapter Four The Analysis On The Drama Works Translated By Ying Ruocheng
  • 4.1 Categories of Universe of Discourse Influencing Ying Ruocheng’s Drama Translation
  • 4.1.1 Objects
  • 4.1.2 Concepts
  • 4.1.3 Allusions
  • 4.1.4 Proper Nouns
  • 4.1.5 Special Connotations of Words
  • 4.1.6 Custom
  • 4.2 Factors Manipulating Ying Ruocheng’s Drama Translation Strategies
  • 4.2.1 The Status of the Original
  • 4.2.2 The Self-Image of the Target-Culture
  • 4.2.3 The Types of Texts
  • 4.2.4 The Levels of Diction
  • 4.2.5 Intended Audience
  • 4.2.6 Cultural Scripts
  • 4.3 Summary
  • Chapter Five Concluding Remarks
  • Bibliography
  • 攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录
  • 相关论文文献

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    • [5].Context and its Role in Explaining Discourse Coherence[J]. 校园英语 2017(27)
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    • [9].The Translingual Practice of Human Rights: Value Tyranny and Overlapping Consensus of Cultures[J]. Human Rights 2014(06)
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    • [12].Argumentation Analysis——A discourse Approach[J]. 现代企业教育 2012(09)
    • [13].Innovation of Chinese Discourse in the Context of Reform and Opening Up[J]. Contemporary Social Sciences 2020(03)
    • [14].Aspects of Transitivity in Select Social Transformation Discourse in Nigeria[J]. Language and Semiotic Studies 2020(02)
    • [15].Research on Discourse Markers from the Perspective of Relevance Theory[J]. 海外英语 2019(15)
    • [16].The Literature Review of Domestic Researches on Critical Discourse Analysis in Recent Ten Years[J]. 校园英语 2020(17)
    • [17].An Abnormal Created by Power Discourse— A Foucauldian Interpretation of Maurice[J]. 读与写(教育教学刊) 2014(04)
    • [18].Similarities in Early Chinese and Western Translation Discourse[J]. 校园英语 2018(03)
    • [19].Logical inferences in discourse analysis[J]. 科技视界 2014(26)
    • [20].The Subtitle Translation of Movie from the Perspective of Multimodal Discourse Analysis[J]. 海外英语 2020(11)
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    • [26].Development and Evaluation of Two Discourse-Based ELT Tasks in Business English Class[J]. 海外英语 2011(12)
    • [27].Identification by Antithesis and Oppositional Discourse Reproduction in Chinese Space of New Media[J]. Language and Semiotic Studies 2017(04)
    • [28].Research on Discourse Analysis of the News[J]. 海外英语 2011(08)
    • [29].“Discourse”的含义及其汉译[J]. 燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 2010(01)
    • [30].Cursory Analysis of the Influence of Cognition to Discourse[J]. 科技信息 2010(23)

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