摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 Theoretical Framework1.1 Overview of Functionalist Translation Theory1.2 Origin and Development of Skopostheorie1.2.1 Basic Concepts1.2.2 Three Rules1.2.3 Translation Brief1.3 Christiane Nord and Her Translation Skopos1.3.1 Documentary Translation and Instrumental Translation1.3.2 Function and Loyalty1.4 Summaryth NCCPC'>Chapter 2 Detailed Study on the Report to the 17thNCCPC2.1 Overview of the Report2.2 Function of the Report2.3 Stylistic Features of the Report2.3.1 Lexical Features2.3.2 Syntactic Features2.3.3 Rhetorical Features2.4 Cultural Features of the Report2.4.1 Culture-loaded Terms with Different Conceptual Meanings2.4.2 Culture-loaded Terms with Different Associative Meanings2.4.3 Culture-loaded Terms with No Counterparts in the Target Culture2.5 SummaryChapter 3 Application of Skopostheorie to the Study on the C-E Translation of the Report3.1 Principle of Loyalty Applied to the Translation of the Report3.1.1 Role of the Source-text Producer3.1.2 Role of the Translator3.1.3 Role of the Target-text Addressee3.1.4 Interpersonal Relationship among the Three Agents3.2.General Strategies Applied to the C-E Translation of Political Texts3.3 Nord's Text Typology and Translation Strategy in the Case of the Report3.3.1 Nord's Four Different Text Functions3.3.2 Documentary and Instrumental Translation3.3.2.1 Translation at the Stylistic Level3. At the Lexical Level3. At the Syntactic Level3. At the Rhetorical Level3.3.2.2 Translation of the Culture-loaded Terms of the Report3. Translation of the Culture-loaded Terms with Different Conceptual Meanings3. Translation of the Culture-loaded Terms with Different Associative Meanings3. Translation of the Culture-loaded Terms with No Counterparts in the Target Culture3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Exploration of Principles for the Translation of Political Texts4.1 Treating Skopos as the Top Priority4.1.1 Political Fidelity4.1.2 Semantic Accuracy4.1.3 Interpersonal Loyalty4.2 SummaryConclusionNotesBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读学位期间主要的研究成果目录
标签:功能翻译理论论文; 目的论论文; 政治语篇论文; 十七大报告论文; 翻译论文;