Abstract摘要AcknowledgementsContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 Purpose of the study1.3 Significance of the studyChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Relevant studies on this topic2.2 Idioms2.2.1 Definitions of idioms2.2.1.1 Chinese "chengyu" Idioms in English2.2.1.3 Summary2.2.2 Classification of idioms2.2.2.1 The number of characters2.2.2.2 Fixed forms2.2.3 Chinese four character idioms2.2.4 Characteristics of Chinese character idioms2.2.4.1 Prevalent use in society2.2.4.2 Stability2.2.4.3 Historical traits2.2.4.4 Cultural traits2.3 Strategies of the translation of four character Chinese idioms2.3.1 Literal translation2.3.2 Free translation2.3.3 Explanatory translation2.3.4 Using an English idioms2.3.5 Ellipsis translation2.3.6 Literal translation plus free translation2.3.7 Rhetoric2.4 Five principles on Translation in Bilingual Dictionary2.4.1 Accuracy Principle2.4.2 Applicability Principle2.4.3. Simplicity Principle2.4.4 Objectivity Principle2.4.5 Standardization PrincipleChapter 3 Research Procedure3.1 Data Collection3.1.1 Selection of a Chinese Idioms Dictionary3.1.2 Selection of Some Chinese English Dictionaries3.1.2.1 A Dictionary of Chinese Idioms with English Translation3.1.2.2 A Chinese English Dictionary3.1.2.3 A Practical Dictionary of Chinese Idioms in English3.2 Methodology3.2.1 Sampling3.3 Data Treatment3.3.1 Selected Idioms3.3.2 Comparison of the translation of the selected idiomsChapter 4 Data Collection and Analyses4.1 Translation methods4.1.1 Discussions4.2 Current problems4.2.1 Lack of consistent translation principles4.2.2 Mismatch of the order of translation and the order of the example4.2.3 Misuse of English idioms4.2.3.1 Misuse of analogy counterparts4.2.3.2 Misuse the semantic meaning scope4.2.4 Negligence the change of meanings4.2.5 Improper treatment of etymological information4.2.6 Improper treatment with commentary and derogative meanings4.3 Reasons4.3.1 Different translation principles4.3.2 Different dictionary compliers4.3.3 Cultural differencesChapter 5 Strategies, Conclusions and Recommendations5.1 Strategies to solve the problems5.1.1 More emphasis on translation principle5.1.2 More emphasis on the order of translation and the order of example5.1.2.1 Division of the translation of idioms5.1.2.2 Tagging the parts of speech5.1.3 More understanding of TL and SL5.1.4 Using uniform etymological note5.2 Conclusions5.2.1 Conclusions on the translation methods5.2.2 Conclusions on dictionary complication5.3 Limitation of the study5.4 Further study recommendationsAppendixBibliography详细摘要
标签:汉语四字格成语翻译论文; 双语词典论文; 翻译问题论文;