AcknowledgementsAbstract内容摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Research purpose1.3 Structure of the thesisChapter 2 Review of Relevant Literature2.1 Interlanguage pragmatics (ILP)2.1.1 Definition of interlanguage and interlanguage pragmatics2.1.2 Scope and domains of ILP2.1.3 Methodological issues in ILP research2.2 Theories underlying ILP research2.2.1 Speech act theory2.2.2 Politeness theory2.2.3 Pragmatic competence2.2.3.1 Definition2.2.3.2 Development and assessment2.3 Prior studies on the speech act of request2.3.1 Definition of the speech act of request2.3.2 Sequence of the speech act of request2.3.3 Classification of request strategies2.3.4 SummaryChapter 3 Description of the Investigation3.1 Research questions3.2 Research methodology3.2.1 Participants3.2.2 Instrument3.2.3 Data collection3.2.3.1 Procedure of data collection3.2.3.2 Categorization of data3.2.3.3 Analysis procedureChapter 4 Results of the Investigation4.1 Chinese EFL learners’sequence of the speech act of request4.1.1 Alerter4.1.2 Supportive moves4.1.3 Head act4.2 Distribution of Chinese EFL learners’request strategies4.2.1 Direct requests4.2.2 Conventionally indirect requests4.2.3 Non-conventionally indirect requestsChapter 5 Discussion of the Results5.1 Factors affecting learners’sequence of the speech act of request5.2 Factors determining learners’choice of request strategies5.2.1 Social factors determining learners’choice of request strategies5.2.2 Factors Specific for learners in their choice of request strategies5.2.2.1 Direct strategies5.2.2.2 Indirect strategies5.3 Learners’pragmatic competence and developmentChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Summary of the study6.2 Pedagogical implications6.3 Suggestions for further studiesAppendixBibliography
标签:语际语论文; 言语行为论文; 请求论文; 语用能力论文; 语用失误论文; 语际语语用能力论文;