Acknowledgements摘要AbstractList of FiguresList of TablesList of AppendixAbbreviationsChapter One INTRODUCTION1.1 Roles of input and output in SLA1.2 Significance of the study1.3 The purpose of the studyChapter Two LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Overview2.1 The Role of input in SLA2.1.1 Input hypothesis2.1.2 Criticisms on the input hypothesis2.2 The role of consciousness in second language learning2.2.1 Different views on the role of consciousness2.2.2 Noticing hypothesis2.3 Input processing (IP)2.3.1 Input processing2.3.2 Processes of form-meaning connections2.4 Processing instruction (PI)2.5 The role of output in SLA2.5.1 Output Hypothesis2.5.2 An integrated model of SLA in Output Hypothesis2.5.3 One output-based instruction—the traditional instruction (TI)2.6 Comparative studies of PI and TI2.6.1 Empirical studies of PI and TI2.6.2 Limitations of previous researchesChapter Three METHODOLOGY3.0 Overview3.1 Research questions3.2 Subjects3.3 The target structures3.3.1 The Classification of if-conditionals3.3.2 Reasons for selecting the unreal if-conditionals as the target structures3.4 The teaching material3.5 Treatments3.5.1 Traditional instruction3.5.2 Processing instruction3.5.3 Summary3.5.4 The control group3.6 Assessments3.7 Treatment proceduresChapter Four RESULTS4.0 Overview4.1 Results of the interpretation tasks4.2 Results of the production tasks4.3 Results of time effect4.5 Results of the item types4.5.1 Results of the hypothetical unreal if-conditionals4.5.2 Results of the counterfactual unreal if-conditionalsChapter Five DISCUSSIONS5.1 Instructional effects of TI, PI and the control group5.2 Discussion on the results of the processing instruction5.3 Discussion on the results of the traditional instruction5.4 SummaryChapter Six CONCLUSION6.1 Summary of the study6.2 Pedagogical implications6.3 Limitations of the study6.4 Suggestions for further researchReferencesAppendix A: Traditional instruction (1) —Hypothetical unreal conditionalsAppendix B: Traditional Instruction (2) --Counterfactual unreal conditionalsAppendix C: Processing Instruction (1) —Hypothetical unreal conditionalsAppendix D: Processing Instruction (2) —Counterfactual unreal conditionalsAppendix E: PretestAppendix F: Immediate posttestAppendix G: Delayed posttestAppendix H: Raw scores for TI group in the pretestAppendix I: Raw Scores for Tl group in the immediate posttestAppendix J: Raw scores for Tl group in the delayed posttestAppendix K: Raw scores for PI group in the pretestAppendix L: Raw Scores for PI group in the immediate posttestAppendix M: Raw scores for PI group in the delayed posttestAppendix N: Raw scores for the control group in the pretestAppendix O: Raw scores for the control group in the immediate posttestAppendix P: Raw scores for the control group in the delayed posttest
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