ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要Chapter I Introduction1.1 Research Bachground1.2 Poetry and Poetry Translation1.3 The Research Methodology and Source of Data1.4 Academic Value and Pragmatic Significance1.5 The outline of the ThesisChapter II Literature Review2.1 Previous Studies of Poetry Translation2.2 The Basic Elements of Poetry2.2.1 Sound2.2.2 Form2.2.3 Meaning2.3 The Charateristics of Poetry2.4 The Differences between English Poetry and Chinese Poetry2.4.1 Differences at Sound Level2.4.2 Differences at Form Level2.4.3 Differences of Meaning ExpressionChapter III Theoretical Framework of the Present Study3.1 Introduction3.2 A Brief Sketch of Verschueren' s Adaptation Theory3.2.1 Making Choices3.2.2 Three Properties of Language3.2.3 Four Angles of Investigation3.3 Adaptation and TranslationChapter IV Adaptation in Poetry Translation4.1 Introduction4.2 Adaptation to the Mental World4.2.1 Adaptation to the Poet' s Intention and Emotional Involvement4.2.2 Adaptation to the Reader' s Cognitive Ability4.3 Adatptation to the Social World4.3.1 Adaptation to the Social Settings and Institutions4.3.2 Adaptation to the Unique Cultural Expressions4.4 Adaptation to the Physical World4.4.1 Adaptation to the Temporal Reference4.4.2 Adaptation to the Spatial Reference4.5 Adaptation to the Linguistic Context4.5.1 Adaptation to the Musical Effect4.5.1.1 Adaptation to Musical Effect in the Choice of Rhythm4.5.1.2 Adaptation to Musical Effect in the Choice of Rhyme4.5.2 Adaptation to the Visual Effect4.5.2.1 Adaptation to the Pictographic Beauty of Poems4.5.2.2 Adaptation to the Structure of PoemsChapter V Conclusion5.1 Summary of the Thesis5.2 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further ResearchReferences攻读学位期间的研究成果
标签:诗歌翻译论文; 顺应论文; 声音论文; 形式论文; 意义论文;