Acknowledgements中文摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Basic symbol—target of this research1.1.1 Definitions of symbol1.1.2 Delimitation of basic symbol1.1.3 Natures of basic symbol1.1.4 Definition of basic symbol1.1.5 The symbol, the symbolized and symbolism1.2 A briefing on studies of basic symbol1.3 Rationale of this research1.4 Purposes of this research1.5 Outline of the thesisChapter Two The Omnipresent Basic Symbol—Western Symbol Studies on Its Nature, Function and Inner Mechanism2.0 Introduction2.1 Major western theories of symbol2.1.1 The transcendental world of “meanings”—philosophical foundations of Symbol studies2.1.1.1 Symbol—Linking the reality and the idea2.1.1.2 Plato’s Theory of Ideas2.1.1.3 Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic culture2.1.2 Unification of the “dual worlds”of the mundane and the divine—religious approaches to the function of basic symbol2.1.2.1 Basic symbol as embodiment of the supernatural2.1.2.2 Allegorization in the Interpretation—important source of basic symbol2.1.3 The reflection of thought and the psychic need—psychological approaches to the relation of basic symbol and mind2.1.3.1 Basic symbol as outwardly manifested psyche2.1.3.2 Jung’s archetypal symbol2.1.4 The demonstration of Cultural value—anthropological approaches to the nature of basic symbol2.1.4.1 Basic Symbol as human nature2.1.4.2 Symbolic anthropologic studies2.1.5 The extraordinary art of human language—literary approaches to the Application of basic symbol2.1.5.1 Kant’s and Hegel’s theories—aesthetic foundation for Literary symbolism2.1.5.2 Basic symbol in literary studies2.1.6 Arbitrariness Vs Motivation—Linguistic approaches to the inner mechanism of basic symbol2.1.6.1 Basic symbol as the nature of language2.1.6.2 Scientific and humanistic symbol studies2.1.7 Brief comments2.2 Studies on the relation between basic symbol and metaphor2.2.1 Related studies on metaphor2.2.1.1 Overview2.2.1.2 Cognitive approaches to metaphor2.2.1.3 The notion of metaphoricity2.2.2 The relation between basic symbol and metaphor2.2.3 Brief commentsChapter Three Classification and Features of Basic Symbol3.0 Introduction3.1 Classification of basic symbol3.1.1 Classification by structure3.1.1.1 Attribute of basic symbol3.1.1.2 Form of basic symbol3.1.1.3 Structure of symbolic meaning3.1.2 Classification by origin3.1.3 Classification by connotation and function3.1.3.1 Cultural concept3.1.3.2 Social value3.1.3.3 Religious faith3.1.3.4 Individual mentality3.2 Features of symbolism and basic symbol3.2.1 General properties of symbolism3.2.2 Features of basic symbol3.2.2.1 Universality and particularity3.2.2.2 Synchronicity and diachronicity3.2.2.3 Emotiveness and indirectness3.2.2.4 Situation-dependence and levels of meanings3.3 SummaryChapter Four Basic Symbol and Its Metaphorical and Metonymic Mechanism4.0 Introduction4.1 The formation of basic symbol4.1.1 The instinctive life need—the basic condition4.1.2 Directional projection—the basic mode4.1.3 Metaphoricity-based selection—the inner motivation4.1.4 Association—necessity for basic symbol interpretation4.2 The operating mechanism of basic symbolism—metaphorcity4.2.1 Symbolism and metaphoricity4.2.2 Metaphorical mechanism based symbol4.2.2.1 Metaphor—resemblance-based relationship4.2.2.2 Metaphorical basic symbol4.2.3 Metonymic mechanism4.2.3.1 Metonymy—Contiguity-based relationship4.2.3.2 Metonymic basic symbol4.2.4 Significance of metaphorical and metonymic basic symbol4.2.4.1 Historical aspect4.2.4.2 Language and word4.2.4.3 Emotional effect4.2.4.4 Understanding of the world4.2.4.5 Social and cultural value4.3 SummaryChapter Five Conclusi5.0 Introduction5.1 Brief summaries of major findings5.2 Suggestion for further studies5.2.1 More linguistic studies of cultural and conventional basic symbols5.2.2 More studies on the differences and similarities of symbolism in the West and the EastBibliography
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标签:基本象征论文; 隐喻论文; 认知论文; 隐喻性基本象征论文; 转喻性基本象征论文;