Abstract摘要Introduction1.The necessity of the study on motivation1.1 Background of the study1.2 Purpose of the study1.3 Significance of the study2. Literature review of motivation2.1 Definition of motivation2.2 Classification of motivation2.3 Theoretical bases and implication of motivation2.3.1 Motivation and reinforcement theory2.3.1.1 Rewards and reinforcement2.3.1.2 Implication for education2.3.2 Motivation and need theory2.3.2.1 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs2.3.2.2 Implication for education2.3.3 Motivation and attribution theory2.3.3.1 Attributions for success and failure2.3.3.2 Implication for education2.3.4 Achievement motivation theory2.3.4.1 Motivation and goal orientation2.3.4.2 Implication for education3. Investigation3.1 A questionnaire3.2 A case Study3.2.1 Samples3.2.2 Techniques3.2.2.1 Classroom observation3.2.2.2 Interview3.3 Findings3.3.1 Adolescence students in vocational and technical secondary schools3.3.2 Experiences of language learning in junior middle school3.3.3 Problems in language learning4. Suggestions4.1 Knowing students in vocational and technical secondary schools4.1.1 Language aptitude4.1.2 Cognitive style4.2 Creating caring, respectful and trusting class atmosphere4.2.1 Building equal relation between teacher and students4.2.2 Giving students a voice in learning4.2.3 Treating students as individuals4.3 Using appropriate teaching methods to arouse interest4.3.1 Selecting materials relevant to the students’experience and needs4.3.2 Helping students set achievable goals for themselves4.3.3 Humanistic approach4.4 Adopting reasonable evaluation systemsConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementsAppendix IAppendix IIAppendix III
标签:动机论文; 青少年学生论文; 英语学习论文; 职业技术学校论文;