AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Interpretation: Definition and Category1.2 Consecutive Interpreting: the Communicative Nature1.3 Relevance Theory: A Glimpse1.4 Purpose and Design of the ThesisChapter 2 A Brief Survey of Past Studies2.1 Relevance Theory in Translation Studies2.2 Relevance Theory in Interpretation Studies2.3 On the Process of Consecutive InterpretingChapter 3 Relevance Theory3.1 Relevance3.1.1 The Definition of Relevance3.1.2 Contextual Effects and Processing Efforts3.1.3 Optimal Relevance3.2 Principles of Relevance3.2.1 Cognitive Principle of Relevance3.2.2 Communicative Principle of Relevance3.3 Ostensive-Inferential Communication3.4 Informative and Communicative Intention3.5 Context3.6 Descriptive and Interpretive ResemblanceChapter 4 Consecutive Interpreting: A Relevance-Theoretic Perspective4.1 Consecutive Interpreting as Ostensive-Inferential Communication4.2 Relevance-Governed Consecutive Interpreting Process4.2.1 Relevance-Governed Comprehension Process4.2.1.1 Comprehension and Relevance4.2.1.2 What to Comprehend4. Speaker’s Informative Intention4. Speaker’s Communicative Intention4.2.1.3 Ways to Comprehend4. Determining a context4. Decoding4. Inferencing4.2.2 Relevance-Governed Production Process4.2.2.1 Production and Relevance4.2.2.2 What to Produce4. Ostensive Stimuli: Utterance4. Speaker’s Intentions4.2.2.3 Ways to Produce4. Producing Interpretive and Descriptive Resemblance4. Making Intentions and Expectations Meet4.3 Consecutive Interpreting, Relevance and Successful CommunicationChapter 5 Implications and Conclusion5.1 Implications5.1.1 Preparations: Linguistic and Extra-Linguistic Knowledge5.1.2 Comprehension: Old and New Information; Psychological Noise5.1.3 Production: Explicating Implicature; Optimal Relevance5.2 ConclusionBibliography
标签:关联理论论文; 交替传译论文; 信息论文; 交际意图论文; 解释性论文; 描述性语言论文; 明示推理交际论文;