Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter One Literature Review1.1 Theoretical Bases1.1.1 The Psycholinguistic Theory of Teaching and Learning1.1.2 The Theory of Second Language Acquisition1.1.3 The Theory of National English Curriculum for Junior EFL Teaching1.1.4 The Theory of Task-based Approach(TBA)1.1.5 The Theory of Cooperative Learning1.2 Current Researches on English Teaching of the Second-year Students at Home and.abroad1.3 SummaryChapter Two The Investigation on the Current State of the Second-year Students' English Learning2.1 Description of the Investigation2.1.1 Purpose2.1.2 Participants2.1.3 Instruments2.1.4 Procedure2.1.4.1 Sampling2.1.4.2 Questionnaire2.1.4.3 Observations2.1.4.4 Data Collection2.1.4.5 Data Analysis2.1.5 Summary2.2 Analysis of the Current State of the Second-year Students' English Learning2.2.1 Students' Learning Motivations and Interest2.2.2 Students' Learning Habits and Achievements2.2.3 Classroom Atmosphere2.2.4 Learning Environment2.3 SummaryChapter Three Problems and Causes Found From the Investigation3.1 Problems of the Second-year Students' English Learning3.1.1 Anxiety3.1.2 Polarization3.1.3 Hatred of English Learning3.2 Causes of the Problems on the Second-year Students' English Learning and Teaching3.2.1 Resulting From Students3.2.2 Resulting From Teachers3.2.3 Resulting From Society3.3 SummaryChapter Four Measures for Improving the Second-year Students' English Learning4.1 Fast-rhythm Teaching Method4.1.1 Definition of Fast-rhythm Teaching Method4.1.2 Characteristics of Fast-rhythm Teaching Method4.1.3 Classroom Activities4.2 Creating English Environment and Arousing Students' Interest4.3 Checking the Gap Between the Excellent Students and the So-called Backward Ones4.4 Task-based Approach4.5 Cooperative Learning4.6 SummaryConclusionBibliographyAppendix ⅠAppendix Ⅱ攻读硕士学位期间发表论文情况Acknowledgements
标签:初二学生论文; 英语学习论文; 调查论文; 措施论文;