AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要CONTENTSCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 Rationale of the study1.1.1 The importance of legislative translation1.1.2 An urgent need for analysis of the application of the static equivalence strategy in the translation of legislative sentences1.2 Purpose of the study1.3 Research methodology1.4 Organization of the thesisCHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Static equivalence of Li Kexing2.1.1 Differences between static equivalence translation and literal translation2.1.2 Decisive factors of static equivalence in legal language2.2 Dynamic equivalence theory of Eugene A. NidaCHAPTER THREE COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE LEGISLATIVE SENTENCES IN CHINESE AND ENGLISH3.1 Common features of the sentence structure of legislative Chinese and English3.1.1 Declarative sentence3.1.2 Parallel structure3.1.3 Complete sentence3.2 Distinctive features of the sentence structure of legislative Chinese3.2.1 The “的”structure3.2.2 Zero subject sentences3.3 Distinctive features of the sentence structure of legislative English3.3.1 Nominalization3.3.2 Passive voice3.3.3 Special sentence structures in legal English3.4 Contrastive analysis of the syntax of legal Chinese and legal English3.4.1 Subject prominence VS topic prominence3.4.2 Hypotaxis VS parataxis3.4.3 Active voice VS passive voiceCHAPTER FOUR APPLICATION OF STATIC EQUIVALENCE STRATEGY IN THE LEGISLATIVE SENTENCE TRANSLATION4.1 Translation principles of legislative sentence4.1.1 Principle of precision or accuracy4.1.2 Principle of perspicuity and conciseness4.1.3 Principle of identity and homogeneity4.1.4 Principle of professionalization and normalization4.2 Application of the static equivalence strategy to sentence translation in Chinese legislati4.2.1 Translation of the “的”Structure4.2.1.1 Clauses introduced by “who”or “whoever” Clause introduced by “if”or “where” Adding Subject4.2.2 Translation of conditional sentences4.2.2.1 Translation of common conditional sentences4.2.2.2 Translation of implied conditional sentences4. Use of relative conjunction “if”or “where” Use of relative conjunction “when” Translation of the Conditional Sentence in Parallel Structure4.3 Application of the static equivalence strategy to sentence translation in English legislati4.3.1 Conversion of word class4.3.1.1 Convert noun into verb4.3.1.2 Other conversions4.3.2 Adjustment of word order4.3.3 Division of a long sentence4.3.4 Translation of the special sentence patterns in legal English4.3.4.1 Translation of the “where …” structure4.3.4.2 Translation of the “… otherwise …” structure4. Translation of the “unless otherwise …” structure4. Translation of the “except as otherwise …” structure4. Translation of the “or otherwise …” structure4. Translation of the “otherwise than…” structure4.3.4.3 Translation of the “for the purpose(s) of…” structure4.3.4.4 Translation of the “Any person who does…shall…”structureCHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION5.1 Major conclusions of the present study5.2 Contributions of the present study5.3 Limitations of the current research and recommendations for further studyBibliography
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标签:法律翻译论文; 立法语言论文; 静态对等论文; 立法句子论文; 翻译策略论文;