本论文是一项关于语言输出在二语习得中的作用的研究。该研究以写作任务为研究单位,以中高级英语学习者为研究对象,采用系统多样的实证研究方法,通过对输出任务与输入任务的对比研究,探讨了输出任务在习得生词和提高整体言语行为(如准确度、流利度和复杂度)方面的作用,以及输出过程的内在心理语言学机制及其对提高学习者认知技能的作用。全文共分八章。第一章简要介绍了二语习得研究/教学的任务型方法及此项研究的必要性。第二章为文献综述和理论框架,回顾了语言输出及其认知过程在二语习得中的作用的相关文献,指出该领域中有待回答的问题,并提出本研究的概念框架。第三章为研究设计,阐述了本研究的研究目的、研究问题及假设,介绍了本研究所采用的两个实验设计、出声思维方法及作文的文本分析方法。第四章为实验1的结果与讨论。第五章为实验2的结果与讨论。第六章为出声思维数据的分析结果和作文文本分析的结果与讨论。第七章调查了现有英语课程体系中输出任务的地位。第八章结论,总结本研究的发现并指出今后的研究方向。1、研究的理论框架1.1研究背景人们对输出的作用一直存在争议:输出是习得的结果还是习得的原因?语言输出过程与语言学习过程是否相关?在认知框架内人们已对注意、记忆、输入、表征系统和技能习得等进行了大量的研究,但对输出的研究却寥寥无几。Skehan (1999)的语言学习认知法对认知框架下的研究发现进行了理论综合和概括,使得二语习得的认知研究既具解释性又具操作性。但该理论却否认输出在二语习得中的作用。另一方面,Swain (1985,1993,1995,1998)提出的“输出假设”认为,语言产出在二语习得中起着多种积极的作用。但输出是否直接导致中介语的发展、输出时中介语变化的心理语言学机制是什么等问题仍旧没有明确的结论。本研究试图从认知框架下研究输出的作用,其目的在于探索输出任务是否促进学习者习得新的语言形式和提高言语行为表现,以及输出过程是怎样与语言学习过程和学习者的认知发展相关联的。具体说来,本研究包括以下研究问题:1)输出任务是否促进生词的习得?输出任务中哪些条件有助于生词的习得?2)与理解任务组相比,产出任务组是否具有更好的言语行为表现?3)学习者产出二语时是否介入精致化过程/重构过程?换句话说,二语的产出过
Acknowledgement中文摘要AbstractList of FigureList of TableList of AbbreviatiChapter 1 Second Language Acquisition/Pedagogy Research: The Task-based Approach1.0 Introduction1.1 Defining “task”1.2 Classification of tasks1.3 Background of the research: taking communication to tasks—recent trends in language teaching1.4 The siren call of the task: attractions of tasks and reservations about the capacity of tasks1.5 The significance of this research1.6 The overall structure of the dissertationChapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Framework: Output, Cognitive Process and Second Language Acquisition2.0 Introduction2.1 Cognitive approach to language learning2.1.1 Skehan’s fundamental concepts and claims2.1.2 Some Comments2.1.3 Problems with the cognitive approach2.2 Swain’s Output hypothesis2.2.1 Functions of output and psycholinguistic mechanisms of the output hypothesis2.2.2 Empirical studies of output hypothesis2.2.3 Unresolved questions2.3 Cognitive process of comprehension and production2.3.1 Speech comprehension process and language acquisition2.3.2 Speech production processes2.3.2.1 Levelt’s speech production model2.3.2.2 Skill acquisition theories and the development of fluency in production2.3.2.3 Robinson’s cognition hypothesis2.4 A conceptual framework of the present study2.5 SummaryChapter 3 Research Design3.0 Introduction3.1 Tasks, goals, research questions and hypotheses3.2 Measuring language acquisition and performance3.3 Experiment 13.3.1 Subjects3.3.2 Tasks and material3.3.3 Procedure3.3.4 Data-analysis3.4 Experiment 23.4.1 Subjects3.4.2 Treatment and procedures3.4.3 Data-collection and data-analysis3.5 Cognitive processes and cognitive development in output3.5.1 Think-aloud and interviews3.5.1.1 Restructuring as a process in L2 development3.5.1.2 Classification of the think-aloud protocols3.5.1.3 The Validity and reliability of the protocol data3.5.2 Text analysis of the compositions3.5.2.1 Cognitive skills in writing3.5.2.2 Data collection and analysis3.6 SummaryChapter 4 Experiment 1: Results and Discussions4.0 Introduction4.1 Results of pretests, posttest 1 and posttest 24.2 Findings from the comparison4.3 Discussion4.3.1 The acquisition of new words of each group4.3.2 Discussion of Hypothesis 14.3.3 Discussion of Hypothesis 24.3.4 Discussion of Hypothesis 34.4 Conditions affecting acquisition of new words in output tasks and their pedagogic implications4.5 SummaryChapter 5 Experiment 2: Results and Discussions5.0 Introduction5.1 Results of reading posttest5.2 Results of writing posttest5.2.1 The comparison of overall scores of writing test5.2.2 Fluency, complexity and accuracy of performance and linguistic development5.2.2.1 The influence of task type on learners’performance5.2.2.2 The influence of task practice on performance5.2.2.3 Analysis of linguistic development in terms of fluency, accuracy and complexity5.3 Discussion5.3.1 Interpretation of the results of reading posttest and Hypothesis 45.3.2 Interpretation of the results of writing posttest and Hypothesis 55.3.3 The effects of production tasks on language development5.4 SummaryChapter 6 Cognitive Processes and Cognitive Development in Output6.0 Introduction6.1 Analysis of think-aloud protocol6.1.1 Quantitative protocol analysis6.1.2 Qualitative protocol analysis6.1.3 Discussion: restructuring and strategy use in writing tasks and Hypothesis 66.2 Product-based analysis /Text analysis of the compositions6.2.1 Comparison of cognitive skills of comprehension group and production group in posttest6.2.2 A longitudinal comparison of use of cognitive skills in compositions6.2.3 Discussion: cognitive development in L2 production and Hypothesis 76.3 SummaryChapter 7 A Survey of Application of Output Tasks in English Curricula7.0 Introduction7.1 Requirements of productive skills and language use in the curricula7.1.1 Requirements of productive skills and knowledge in the syllabi7.1.2 The new curricula in China and English language teaching reform7.2 Output tasks in textbooks7.2.1 The Framework of Evaluation and comparison7.2.2 Data Collection and analysis7.2.3 Results7.2.4. Discussion7.3 The silent Chinese students in the classroom7.3.1 The Mainstream EFL Style in China7.3.2 Teacher Talk and students’participation pattern in English Classes:some empirical studies7.3.3 The cultural explanation of silent Chinese students in American classrooms: 3 case studies7.4 Output tasks in examinations7.4.1 The weight of output items and language use in large-scale examinations in China7.4.2 Problems found in the output tasks in the exams7.5 Implications and suggestions for English curriculum design and implementation7.5.1 Syllabus7.5.2 Textbook7.5.3 Classroom teaching7.5.4 Language Tests7.6 Summary of Hypothesis 8Chapter 8 Conclusion8.0 Introduction8.1 Main findings8.2 Contributions of this investigation8.2.1 Theoretical significance8.2.1.1 A model of the roles of output in L2 acquisition process8.2.1.2 Reexamining the existing theories of second language acquisition8.2.2 Pedagogical implications8.2.2.1 Output-oriented instruction and TBLT8.2.2.2 Intervening in learners’output-processing8.2.3 Methodological significance8.2.3.1 Exploring the role of output in SLA with experiments8.2.3.2 Think-aloud technique and text analysis approaches8.3 Limitations8.3.1 The purely cognitive framework8.3.2 Limitations and future directions of Experiment 18.3.3 The limitations of Experiment 28.4 Recommendations for future research8.4.1 Theoretical aspects8.4.2 Pedagogical aspectsReferencesAppendix 1 Writing tasksAppendix 2 The 4 Treatment tasks and the Reading PosttestAppendix 3 Think-aloud Protocol of 53Appendix 4 Sample Compositions
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标签:语言输出论文; 二语习得论文; 任务型方法论文; 认知过程论文; 认知发展论文;