作者(2019)在《Genomic insights into ruminant evolution: from past to future prospects》一文中研究指出:Ruminants(Ruminantia) are among the most successful herbivorous mammals, exhibiting wideranging morphological and ecological characteristics(such as headgear and multichambered stomach)and including various key livestock species(e. g.,cattle, buffalo, yak, sheep, and goat). Understanding their evolution is of great significance not only in scientific research but also in applications potential for human society. The rapid growth of genomic resources provides unprecedented opportunities to dissect the evolutionary histories and molecular mechanisms underlying the distinct characteristics of ruminants. Here we summarize our current understanding of the genetic, morphological, and ecological diversity of ruminants and provide prospects for future studies.
Ruminants(Ruminantia) are among the most successful herbivorous mammals, exhibiting wideranging morphological and ecological characteristics(such as headgear and multichambered stomach)and including various key livestock species(e. g.,cattle, buffalo, yak, sheep, and goat). Understanding their evolution is of great significance not only in scientific research but also in applications potential for human society. The rapid growth of genomic resources provides unprecedented opportunities to dissect the evolutionary histories and molecular mechanisms underlying the distinct characteristics of ruminants. Here we summarize our current understanding of the genetic, morphological, and ecological diversity of ruminants and provide prospects for future studies.
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:Genomic insights into ruminant evolution: from past to future prospects论文