翻译散文作品时,我们应该尽力表现原作的内在美。对传达外在形式美,人们已做了很多努力,但传达内在美却具有更重要的意义。本文以汉英翻译理论及美学翻译理论为指导,主要利用上海外语教育出版社的《英译中国现代散文选》(张培基译注)上下册为素材进行举例分析为素材,综合分析了中国现代散文翻译过程中的种种困难,并提出了一些传达意境美的有效方法。在翻译中国现代散文作品时,我们必须考虑主客、观之间的关系,强调主、客观的结合,情与景的融合。意境理论要求译者注重主客观的二元论;西方强调通过主观反映客观,而在中国,顺序是颠倒的。不同的指导原则决定译者采取不同的措施。中国文化因素也必须引起我们的注意,它影响着译作的接受程度。译者也须与作者在想象力上竞争,没有敏锐的洞察力和想象力,就不会有令人满意的译文。最重要的是译者要传达出原文的内在美。否则,外国读者就不能充分感受到中国现代散文的艺术美和意境美。 在中国现代散文翻译中要达到意境美,应熟悉英语和汉语中主、客观联结的表现形式,发现传达途径。词造意境,合理释意,运用英语习语,谱写节奏,再现汉语模糊美和原文生动性是传达意境的一些可行方式。同时,还要考虑中国文化、哲学、心理学、历史等方面。
Acknowledgement摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Purpose of This Thesis1.2 Research Methodologies and Range of Study1.2.1 Brief Introduction to Translation Aesthetics1.2.2 Chinese-English Contrastive Studies1.2.3 Major Differences between Chinese and English1.2.4 The Characteristics of Chinese Modern Prose1.3 Framework of This ThesisChapter 2 About Mood Theory2.1 Probes in Transferring Artistic Beauty2.2 Development of Mood Theory2.3 Relation between Mood and Elegance2.4 Relation between Mood and Nuance2.5 The Core of the Mood of Chinese Modern Prose2.5.1 The Origin of the Mood of Chinese Modern Prose2.5.2 The Constitution of the Mood of Chinese Modern Prose2.5.3 The Characteristics of the Mood of Chinese Modern ProseChapter 3 Problems in Transferring the Mood Beauty of Chinese Modern Prose3.1 The Relationship between Subjectivity and Objectivity3.2 Some Cultural Differences in Thought Patterns3.3 Competition in ImaginationChapter 4 Ways of Transferring the Mood Beauty of Chinese Modern Prose4.1 Creating Mood through Diction4.2 Reproducing the Aesthetic Effect of Chinese Fuzzy Expressions4.3 Using Explanatory Translation to Replace Literal Translation4.3.1 Translating Allusions and Culturally Loaded Words4.3.2 Translating Connotations and Underlying Meanings4.4 Adopting English Idioms or Set Phrases4.5 Reproducing Beautiful Rhythms4.6 Reproducing Vivid ImagesChapter 5 ConclusionBibliography
标签:中国现代散文论文; 意境论文; 意境美论文; 散文翻译论文;