摘要AbstractCONTENTSChapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Significance of this paper1.3 Research Questions1.4 Organization of this paperChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 Cloze Test2.1.1 Basic facets of Cloze Test2.1.2 Development of Cloze Test2.1.3 The Theoretical Basis of Cloze2.2 Validity2.2.1 Reliability and Validity2.2.2 Types of validity2.2.3 Definition of Construct Validity2.2.4 Construct validation2.3 Retrospective Report2.3.1 Definition of Introspection2.3.2 Types of Introspection2.3.3 The pros and cons on Introspection Approach2.3.4 The application of Introspection2.3.5 Retrospective Report method in this paper2.4 National Matriculation English Test(NMET)2.4.1 Introduction of NMET Cloze Test2.4.2 The construct validity of NMET Cloze test2.5 Related Research2.5.1 Foreign Researches2.5.2 Domestic Researches2.6 SummaryChapter Ⅲ Research Methodology3.1 Research Design3.2 The Subjects3.3 Sample Materials3.4 Research Procedures3.5 SummaryChapter Ⅳ Result and Discussion4.1 Test scores and Test-taking time4.2 The categories of context information4.3 The expected Operations4.4 The experiment performances of the subjects and analysis4.4.1 The operation list of the subjects' performances4.4.2 The data statistics of experimental performances4.4.3 The analysis on the option construction4.4.4 Summary4.5 The context information employment at different levels4.5.1 The expected context information employment at different levels4.5.2 The experimental context information employment at different levels4.5.3 The comparison between expected and experimental information employment at different levels4.6 Context information employment in each item4.6.1 The analysis of clausal level4.6.2 The analysis of sentence level4.6.3 The analysis of textual level4.6.4 The analysis of test-wise strategies4.7 SummaryChapter V Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Implications5.3 Limitations of the study5.4 Suggestions for the future studiesReferencesAppendix Ⅰ The NMET doze test of 2007Appendix Ⅱ The Chinese version of Introspection method training materialAppendix Ⅲ The independent samples T testAcknowledgements
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