这篇论文的题目是:神话还是现实? ----后冷战时期美国新孤立主义解析。文章包括五个章节,作者将特别运用战略研究的思路展开其对美国国家大战略的论证,并将结合全球化背景之下,美国后冷战时期的国家内政外交加以概括和分析。孤立主义的主要国内根源和此种思潮的缘起与演变是该篇论文的重要组成部分。作者占用了大量篇幅力求全面地对此加以详细的论述和解析。后冷战时期美国孤立主义回潮现象的出现以及公众民意与政治精英在美国内政外交谋略上的分歧构成了论文的后半部分。在某些特定的历史条件下,美国政府以孤立主义的姿态制定其内政外交策略似乎是一个无可辩驳的事实。然而,新孤立主义不过是一个神话,并且缺乏在后冷战时期独领风骚而存在的条件;和其作为美国主流社会唯一首选决策的根基。本文将从战略视角就此论题给出自己的阐释和注解。
致谢Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter Ⅰ:Domestic and Dominant Roots of Isolationism1.1 Definitions of Traditional Isolationism and Neo-Isolationism1.2 A General Survey of the Scholarship on American Isolationism with Emphasis on the Post Cold War Era1.3 The Questions remaining to be answered:1.3.1 The Similarities and Differences between Traditional Isolationism and Neo-Isolationism1.3.2 The Origin,Forms and Policy Influence of Neo-Isolationism since 1990s1.3.3 The Essence of Neo-Isolationism and Its Relationship with Globalism1.3.4 Neo-Isolationism and Public Attitude1.3.5 The Future of Neo-Isolationism1.4 The Significance of This StudyChapter Ⅱ:The Origins and Evolution of American Isolationism2.1 The Outset of Isolationism:Its Geographical,Political and Cultural Originsth Century'>2.2 Isolationism as the Dominant Doctrine of Foreign Strategy from George Washington until Late 19thCentury2.3 The Climax of Isolationism:1910s-1930s2.4 The Turning Point:from Isolationism to Globalism2.5 The Post-War Resurgences2.5.1 Early 1950's2.5.2 Late 1960's-Early 1970's2.5.3 1970s- 1980s Policy Character2.5.4 The 1990'sChapter Ⅲ:The Post Cold War 'Revival' of Isolationism3.1 The Reason of Neo-Isolationism3.2 The Style of Isolationism3.3 Neo-Isolationism and American Foreign Policies--Relative Policy Issues since 1990s3.4 "9/11" and Its Aftermath:Globalism or Isolationism?Chapter Ⅳ:The Gap between the Political Elite and the Mass Public4.1 Public Opinion on America's Role in a Globalizing World4.2 The Influence of Party Politics4.3 The Present Political Ecology:Unilateralism VS.InternationalismChapter Ⅴ:ConclusionNotesBibliography
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标签:新孤立主义论文; 后冷战时期论文; 战略文化论文; 美国外交论文; 公众意愿论文; 国内政治论文;