Acknowledgement摘要AbstractChapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Status of Enterprise Profile Translation1.2 Seminars on the Translation of Enterprise Materials1.3 Previous Studies on C-E Translation of Enterprise Profiles1.4 Purpose of the Thesis1.5 Importance of the Study1.6 Structure of the ThesisChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 Contrastive Analysis2.1.1 Definition of Contrastive Analysis2.1.2 Different features of Chinese and English enterprise profiles2.2 Error Analysis2.2.1 Classification of Errors2.2.2 Levels of Errors2.2.2.1 Substance Errors2.2.2.2 Text Errors2.2.2.3 Discourse Errors2.2.2.4 Interpretive Errors2.3 Criteria of Enterprise Profile Translation2.4 Semantic Field/Lexical Field2.4.1 Semantic Field and Its Related Concepts2.4.2 Features of Semantic Field2.4.3 Functions of Semantic FieldChapter Ⅲ General Characteristics of Enterprise Profiles3.1 Overview of Enterprise Profiles3.2 Functions of Enterprise Profiles3.3 General Stylistic Features of Enterprise Profile3.4 Application of Related Theories in C-E Translation of Enterprise ProfilesChapter Ⅳ Error Analysis on C-E Translation of Enterprise Profiles4.1 Sample Collection4.2 Methodology of the Research4.3 Statistic Result4.4 Data Analysis4.4.1 Substance Errors4.4.2 Text Errors4.4.2.1 Lexical Errors4.4.2.2 Grammar Errors4.4.3 Discourse Errors4.4.3.1 Incoherence4.4.3.2 Pragmatic Errors4.5 Causes of Errors4.5.1 Mother-Tongue Influence: Interlingual Errors4.5.1.1 Inaccurate Understanding of L1 Words and Clang-Other Responses4.5.1.2 Cultural Differences4.5.1.3 Thought Pattern Differences4.5.2 Target Language Causes: Intralingual Errors4.5.2.1 Learning Strategy-Based Errors4.5.2.2 Communication Strategy- Based Errors4.5.3 Attitudes of Translators and the Enterprises Towards the Translation of Enterprise Profiles4.5.4 Incompetence of Translators and Poor Management of Translation Authoritative InstitutionChapter Ⅴ Strategies for Improvement in Enterprise Profile Translation5.1 Strategies for Eliminating Lexical Errors5.1.1 Syntagmatic and Semantic Relationship: Collocations5.1.2 Syntagmatic and Semantic Relationship: Prefabricated Chunks5.1.3 Paradigmatic and Semantic Relationship: Semantic Field5.1.4 Lexicalization5.2 Strategies for Functional Equivalence5.2.1 Cultural Adjustment5.2.1.1 Modification5.2.1.2 Addition5.2.1.3 Deletion5.2.2 Aesthetic Equivalence5.3 Strategies for Eliminating Other Errors5.4 Strategies for Continuous Improvement on Competence of Translators and Management of Translation5.4.1 Setting up Enterprise Profile Translatology in China5.4.2 Speeding up Translation Teaching Reform in Universities5.4.3 Setting up Database for Terminology and Formulaic Expressions5.4.4 Attach Importance to Continuous Training on Translators in EnterprisesChapter Ⅵ Conclusion6.1 Findings6.2 Significance of the ResearchAppendix websites of dataBibliography个人简历Publications
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标签:企业简介论文; 对比分析论文; 错误分析论文; 语义场论文; 功能对等论文;