AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Background and Significance of the Research1.2 Relevant Studies of Case Methods of Teaching at Home and Abroad1.3 The Research Methods1.4 The Innovation of the ResearchChapter 2 Legal English2.1 Understanding of Legal English2.2 The Historical Development of Legal English2.3 The Features of Legal English2.3.1 Precise and Accurate2.3.2 Formal2.3.3 Concise and Explicit2.4 Legal English Teaching2.5 The Status Quo of LET in ChinaChapter 3 Literature Review of Case Methods of Teaching3.1 Case3.1.1 The Definition of Case3.1.2 The Making of a Good Case3.1.3 Types of Cases3.2 Case Methods of Teaching3.2.1 The Understanding of Case Methods of Teaching3.2.2 The Features of Case Methods of Teaching3.2.3 Similarities and Distinctions between Case Methods of Teaching and Example Teaching in the Traditional Teaching Method3.2.3.1 Similarities3.2.3.2 Distinctions3.2.4 Advantages of Case Methods of Teaching3.2.4.1 Cultivating the effective thinking mode3.2.4.2 Individualized learning3.2.4.3 A sustained memory3.2.4.4 Developing the capacity to use time effectively3.2.4.5 Training the ability to communicate3.2.4.6 Arousing the enthusiasm of participating3.2.5 The theoretical basis of Case Methods of Teaching3.2.5.1 Anchored Instruction3.2.5.2 ConstructivismChapter 4 Implementation of Case Methods of Teaching to Legal English Teaching4.1 Course design based on Case Methods of Teaching4.1.1 The establishment of teaching objectives4.1.2 The Selection of Teaching Cases4.2 The Preparation of Case Teaching4.2.1 Teachers’Preparation4.2.2 Students’Preparation4.2.3 Material Preparation4.3 The Case Teaching Process4.3.1 Case lead-in4.3.2 Creating Problem Situation4.3.3 Presenting the Case4.3.4 Individual Analysis4.3.5 Case Discussion4.3.6 Sum Up4.4 Case Teaching Assessment4.4.1 Assessment of the Students4.4.2 Assessment of the Teacher4.4.3 Assessment of the Teaching4.5 A Demonstration of Case Teaching4.5.1 Analysis of Teaching Materials4.5.1.1 Teaching Aims4.5.1.2 Key and Difficult Points4.5.2 Teaching Design Plan4.5.2.1 Tentative ideas4.5.2.2 Teaching Aids4.5.2.3 Pre-class Preparation4.5.3 Teaching Procedures4.5.3.1 Lead-in4.5.3.2 Creating Problem Situation4.5.3.3 Presenting the Case and Individual Analysis4.5.3.4 Deepening Case Discussion4.5.3.5 Summary4.6 The Result Analysis of Case Teaching in the Course of Legal English4.6.1 The Contents and Purpose of the Survey4.6.2 Methodology and Instrument4.6.3 Findings and Analysis of the SurveyChapter 5 Rational Thoughts and Prospect on Case Teaching5.1 Rational Thoughts on Case Teaching5.1.1 Teachers’Teaching Behavior5.1.2 Case Arrangement of the Teaching Materials5.1.3 The Combination with the Multimedia5.2 Prospect on Case TeachingChapter 6 ConclusionAppendix 1Appendix 2Bibliography
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标签:案例教学论文; 法律英语论文; 运用论文;